Monday, September 8, 2014

My Healer and Comforter

Since the start of school I have been longing to blog, but when I wasn't sleeping, I was doing a million other things. Sleeping and blogging had to be moved to the bottom of my list. Between what I have to get done here, and what I have to get done at home, I really had no "me" time where I could sit and write out my thoughts. Since the last time I posted, many things have happened. Some things bad, and some things good.

For now I want to give a testimony of what happened to me on the first day of my senior year. Let me preface this by saying, that I wanted this senior year to be better than my high school senior year was. The night of my first day of school, I had praise team. So I got in my car and started heading toward the church. On my way, I was hit (in my car) by a truck. I can still picture in my head, the headlights as they hit the drivers side door. There was no where I could go, and if  I swerved I would have hit a telephone pole, on the passengers side where my sister was.

It was the scariest moment of my life and all I could do was pray. Though the car was really damaged, my sister and I were alive. My blood pressure shot up to the point where I really thought I was going to collapse. This was my first ever accident. I was scared, and all I knew was that I couldn't open my door and that the man who hit me was screaming at me. The first thought that popped into my head was thank you dear Lord. This accident could have been ten times worse if I had moved the car any other way.

Later, once we got my blood pressure under control, I was able to look at the car for the first time to see the damages. My drivers side window had so much pressure on it that it almost shattered. If that guy hit me even just a little bit harder the glass would have broken all over me. The what if game was a hard one to stay out of. I came out of this alive, I came out of this knowing that it was the grace of God that got me out of this alive and relatively unharmed (though there was a lot of soreness once the shock wore off).

I can say that my God is truly an awesome God. Since the accident I have learned a lot more about how to handle situations such as that one. I am blessed to have a God that loves me so much, that He saves my life over and over again. He keeps me safe, and His love is the reason I was able to get back on the road again and drive (though I don't drive right where the accident happened). Let this be a testimony to the power of Christ. He is our healer and He is our comforter, so may you find rest in Him, as I have found rest in Him.

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