Friday, September 28, 2012

Get Uncomfortable

I am the type of person that always follows a schedule, always sits in the same chair, and keeps everything nice and orderly. I am comfortable just staying inside all of the time and not meeting new people. I find it scary to change my routine or to do something a different way. Just sitting in a different chair makes me uncomfortable. Last year worked perfectly because I never left my room, so I never had to feel completely uncomfortable. Of course with the surgery I was never really comfortable physically but by doing the same things every single day I was psychologically comfortable.

For my major I have to take a class called "Interpersonal Communication". I was thinking that it would just be a regular lecture like my COM class last semester; I have been sadly mistaken. In this course we are required to step out of our comfort zone to see everything from a different perspective. The first couple weeks I dreaded going to that class because we were forced to mingle, and to learn about each other and observe proper and improper behavior. Slowly I have started to accept the fact that there are going to be many times in my life that I feel uncomfortable, and it has just taken me until now to be challenged. I am still a little nervous to break out of my shell, but I can do this.

This class has kind of helped me in other ways as well. For instance, last night the Student Government and the Campus Activity Board, sponsored what they called a "Space Lounge". Last year they held this same event with a different theme, but I refused to go because that would require me to stay out "late" and have fun on a school night. This year I decided to just go for it, so I went and actually enjoyed myself. It was a guilt free, safe, Thursday night activity.

From all of this I have come to realize that this doesn't just apply to my life here at school, but it applies to my life as a Christian. There have been times that I have had the chance to witness but I was too afraid to go up to a stranger. The other blockage in my life is the fear that once I tell someone about Christ, they are going to ask me questions, and if I can't answer them, I am afraid that the person I am speaking with will look down on me and not hear the message that I was trying to send.

I am probably not the only one who feels uncomfortable talking to people that we don't know. So I am challenging myself as well as you, to step outside of the comfort zones that we cling to and let God give you confidence to share the Word. This weekend, don't hesitate to tell someone of the glory of the Lord, just do it. Step out of your shell and make a difference.

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Last Thursday in my Human Biology class our professor confirmed that we would be having an exam today. Since then I have not really slept because every time I closed my eyes I thought of all the different ways I was going to fail this exam. Last night I could not fall asleep because my head was spinning with all of the different biology terms that I memorized. Then the second that I woke up I rolled out of bed and starting viewing my flashcards, before realizing that I still had to make it through psychology.

By the end of psychology my heart was racing, and my head was spinning. Walking over to the science building was interesting because I almost ran into a couple people because I was so focused on getting to my classroom and going through my note cards one more time. In case you haven't realized it by this point, I have extreme test anxiety. It has gotten so bad because I expect perfection from myself, and I feel that any mistakes I make are a sign of failure. I have always been an "honors" student, but when it came to taking the SAT's they did not reflect my abilities very well. I know that I am not the only one that faces this problem, but it is a problem that I have to deal with.

When my professor handed out the exam, I stopped and took a deep breath. While I was taking that breath song lyrics got stuck in my head. The song was not one that I had listened to in a long time, but am currently listening to right now. The lyrics that were stuck in my head are as follows:

"Lift up your eyes to the One who reigns, Lift up your hands, oh sweet surrender it brings, Forevermore, You are holy, Forevermore, You are worthy"

I kept singing those lyrics in my head over and over, and instead of that being a distraction from my exam, it made me more confident in my answers. I have been praying all week, and then this morning on my way to take the exam I prayed for my nerves to be calmed because I felt like I was going to throw up. The moment that I put pencil to paper there was a sort of peace that I was getting from the lyrics of that song. God was bringing me comfort through music. It sounds kind of unrealistic, but I know that's where the lyrics came from, and where my peace came from.

No mater what the prayer is, be ready for the answer, and be ready for the comfort, no matter what form the Lord sends it as. For me, a peace was sent through music, for you it might be something big or something little. Rely on the Lord to calm you and turn your eyes and your heart to Him.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Looking for the Pause Button!

This week is one of those weeks that I wish I could slow down and catch my breath. From the second I got back to school on Sunday until now my brain has been completely focused on all of the assignments that I have to get done, and the pressure of passing my first official exam. No matter what  I do to try and relax I can't stop wondering if I am going to fail. I haven't been able to sleep because I know that when I wake up I have to face more work. It seems never ending, and each time that I hand in one essay or one presentation, another one is created for me to do. The stress is getting to me, but there is nothing I can do except meet deadlines and stay focused.

Outside of school I still have many commitments, so even when I finish an assignment I can't take a breath because then I realize something else I have to do before I go home on Friday. I feel so guilty when I have had any fun this week because I really do not have time for fun if I am going to get everything done. I expect so much from myself, which is where most of my pressure comes from. I strive for the best grades and anything lower than the best I see as a personal failure. It is a terrible philosophy but I can't get it out of my head.

The only thing that I make enough time for, is studying the Word, and worshiping the Lord. Being in the Word and devoting time to God is the only thing that relaxes me right now. However I have spent so much time worrying that I never thought about turning all of my worries and anxiety over to the Lord. When that is the first thing that I should have done when the stress and over commitments started stacking up.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

In your prayer life this week, if you think of me or other college level students pray that we do not lose our footing, and that we remember to turn our worries and anxiety over to the Lord. I challenge you to look at your life, and the stress that you are facing, and turn it over to God. Let Him take that anxiety and turn it into peace, and remember to stay in the Word because if you are like me at all, the Word is the once place that I find peace in the craziness of life!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

From Prayer to Praise

We all wish that making a prayer request is like making a call and expecting someone to pick up the phone right away. That's not how it works though, God is listening to the message but we still have to wait on the answer. I had to learn this from a very young age because I understood the aspect of prayer but I had no patience to wait for the answer. When I was little my sister and I made the same prayer request every single day, without fail yet we still weren't getting an answer. Through that time however, we never lost faith that God would answer us. Two years later we got the answer that we had been looking for.

Why is it that when I was little it was so easy to trust God and wait on His timing, and now I want to rush God's timing and I get upset when He doesn't give me the answer exactly when I want it? We need to get back to that innocent faith, and a solid faith in the fact that God will answer our prayers.

Sometimes I wonder if things could get any worse, and then they do. I wonder what I am doing wrong in my prayer life. Once I ponder that for a while I cry out to God and ask Him why He's not listening to me, and whats taking Him so long. My thoughts always wander to the question "am I being punished?". There is a lot of pain that goes along with some situations and it feels like God isn't hearing you, but He is. Over the summer there was a family issue that arose suddenly, and we were devastated. I felt like everything was slipping through my hands and I couldn't catch it. The ONLY thing I could do, and needed to do was pray, and pray with a faith that God has a plan and we are waiting to see where He led us. I didn't even know how to form the words to make a prayer, or what it was exactly that I needed to pray for.

I found, yet again, instructions in The Word that gave me peace over the lack of words that I could express. "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God." Romans 8:26-27.

It has been about two months since we began praying over the situation. We have had a large group of people praying for God will to be done, and guidance for my family. No matter what I was feeling I couldn't stop praying and waiting for the day that my prayers would be answered. Today is the day that the Lord has answered this prayer. It was answered in a way that was not of our control but of God's. We waited on His timing and we have been given peace. So the only challenge I have for you today is to not give up on God. Pray without stopping, and pray with the faith that God will answer your request. I have proof that prayer changes things, and God will answer.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Just Exhale

I have spent the past month pretending like I am not handicapped. When I park in my handicapped spot behind my dorm I move swiftly hoping that no one saw me. I haven't told anyone that I have Arthritis and I have avoided all health related conversations. Until last week I never told my new suit mates that I suffer from Arthritis. I was so scared that once they knew they wouldn't think of me as me, rather they would think of me as that lucky girl who gets special treatment for having a disability. I have spent most of this month ignoring the pain and pushing myself harder than I should have. I pray that when I leave the dorm room I don't run into anyone from my old dorm, that remembers me as the girl that always wore a giant brace on her knee.

The more I tried to pretend that there was nothing wrong with me, the more angry I got with myself. I am supposed to be an advocate for 50 million people that live with Arthritis in the United States and the 300,000 children that suffer from Arthritis, and here I am hiding out. Why has it become so hard for me to speak out about something that I am passionate about? It has added stress to my life, which in turn causes my psoriasis to act up, which makes it obvious that something is wrong with me. I am so tense, and I feel like a fraud because I do have a disability and I am hiding it from everyone.

I was so wrapped up in hiding my disability at school that I forgot to invite my friends from home to the walk. My two best friends that have been with me through all of the ups and downs, and have seen me at my most vulnerable stage of my pain. They have helped me with the walk for years and I forgot to tell them. I didn't use social media to advertise for the walk because I was worried that someone from school might read it and spread the fact that I have Arthritis. I messed up big time and I felt horrible because I didn't have my two biggest supporters with me at the walk and I was beating myself up for it.

Before the Mystic Arthritis Walk, and I spent hours standing on my feet baking 110 cupcakes, about 15 dozen various cookies,  rice krispy treats and brownies for a bake sale. My knee was killing me by the end of the night, and when I got to the walk yesterday morning the pain was terrible and I ended up only making it through one lap on the course. For the first time in weeks, I was okay with the fact that I was in pain because I was surrounded with people that understand, accept and love me. For the first time in a while, I was finally able to exhale because I had nothing to hide, and nothing to worry about except raising money for the foundation. 

Though I didn't deserve it, God came through for me once again because while I was sitting at the walk texting one of my best friends and apologizing I looked up and my best friend was walking toward me. It was God's way of telling me that He is in control and that I needed to stop hiding out because He has placed people in my life for a reason. Seeing my best friend there reminded me that with the strength of God, and with the amazing people that God put in my life, I can do anything. I can be the voice for 50,000 people. I do not have to hide a major part of my life because I fear being ridiculed again.

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace." Ephesians 6:10-15

We are called to stand up for ourselves and for others. This verse does not just pertain to standing up for the messages of Christ but standing up against all evils of this world. We are not called to hide out in fear of facing our enemy, we are called to stand firm and be strong through Christ. So it is my challenge for you in the next couple of weeks to pray about something that you have been to timid to do. Stand firm with the strength of the Lord and speak out. If you see someone else hurting because they aren't sure where to go from the point that they are at, encourage them to stand firm and strong. As for me, I am no longer hiding who I am, and with God I will re-enter my job as an advocate. 

**If you are reading this and have any questions about Arthritis, or assistance for a disability feel free to contact me, or contact a representative from the Arthritis Foundation. God provided us with the resources that we need so be open to using them!**

Friday, September 21, 2012

Birthday Blessings

I love birthdays., especially other people's birthdays. Birthday's serve as a celebration of life and love and family. I have always gotten so frustrated when ever anyone said that they hate birthdays. God created each and every one of us. He is the reason that we are alive, and for me, He is the reason I love to celebrate.

Today is my moms birthday, and growing up she always made our birthdays special. In my family when it is someone's birthday we have dinner with my grandparents and some other relatives. It is not a party, rather a gathering of loved ones. We come together as a family to celebrate the life that God blessed us with. I see this day as the day that God blessed this earth with my grandparents only daughter, its the day He blessed my father with his wife, and its the day that He blessed my siblings and I with an amazing and beautiful mother.

This post is not a long one because I am spending the rest of the day with the birthday girl! So I challenge you to remind others and even yourself what a gift it is to celebrate your birthday and others birthday. Remember also, to turn to God and thank Him for the beautiful life He created. Celebrate the wonderful work of Christ.

 Happy Birthday Mom! <3

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Speak Out, Speak Up

Every single day there is someone around us that is being picked on or harassed by others. When we were younger we used to pick on each other all of the time on the play ground. We would call each other names or boys would tell the girls that they were gross. It isn't seen as bullying because the kids are so young and they are trying to associate themselves with a certain group of friends. But, when does it stop being innocent teasing, and at what point do those words go from being a joke to being an insult. The line is so fine that we cross it without thinking twice. I watched it happen in the middle school, high school, sports teams and even youth groups. It is not just kids and teens, adults do the same thing but in different ways. They may all be out of high school but I've met many adults who do not act like it. The thing is that the older you get, more damage can be done.

I know that I have written about the matter of bullying before, but it was more focused. I have been contemplating touching on the matter of bullying again but I felt that the Lord was leading me to it. The reason that I cannot stop thinking about the topic of bullying is because Every single day I sit back and watch a girl in my class get teased and laughed at all because she has trouble explaining what she wants to say and it takes her longer to explain. I feel that I am not doing my part and the reason I can't stop thinking about it is because God is giving me instruction and I am to scared to follow it.

I am being selfish, because I do not want to give anyone a reason to talk about me in a bad way or to have them bully me instead.  All that I keep thinking is how I wished someone said something when I was the one being bullied, yet I won't stand up for someone else. I feel horrible that it took me this long to finally listen to the Lord, and to be open to standing up for someone else. I would like to think that I would always stand up for anyone that needed help but when it came down to it I let my fear of being bullied cloud my vision.

When I found this verse it was the command that I have been avoiding but it was in print this time.

“Stop doing wrong, learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow.” – Isaiah 1:16-17

So this week and this next month I challenge you to stop sitting back and watching someone get bullied. Put yourself in their shoes and realize that they need support. You can also take it as an opportunity to share the message, and give someone hope. Let them know that they are loved. Even though I know what I should do now, I have to be in prayer and be ready to stand firm with the strength and love of Christ.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

We Do Not Stand Alone

Attending a public university is an amazing life experience and is teaching me what life will be like once I graduate. Every day is a new opportunity to share the gospel, and to pray over or with someone. After a while though, when I am not getting a lot of positive responses, I feel isolated and different than everyone else. However, we as Christians are called to be different and to stand out.

There is an adorable elderly man that has gone to my church for as long as I can remember. From the moment I started high school, to the minute I graduated he was trying to nail into my head that I needed to go to a Christian school. I waited to tell him that I would not be attending the university of his choice, until a month before move in day. I didn't want to hurt his feelings, nor did I want him to lose faith in me. Every Sunday since I started college he has asked me how I am dealing with being taught by non-believers. Every week I tell him that its okay.

It used to upset me that he had so little faith in me. I was offended that he thought he had to remind me that I am a Christian, and that he is praying for me since I am at this type of school. Now I see it as God's reminder that no matter how alone I feel there are always people in prayer for me. So rather than getting upset with him each week I bring share a small testimony with him. I want him to know about the work that God is doing all around me everyday. One of his biggest concerns was the fact that I am taking science courses this semester, and he keeps telling me that I have to remember that they want me to see everything from a world view. I knew that already but I like him to think that he is teaching me.

However, this past Sunday he really got me thinking about science. I do disagree with some things, but the courses are required, so I had him pray for me and pray over the classes. I cannot wait to tell him that the Lord already answered our prayers. Yesterday in my science class my professor started referencing some historical information from the Bible, and related it to science. I was awestruck, and I thought maybe she was just knowledable about the history of the Bible, but she outright told my class that she did not agree with everything our textbook was saying because shes a faithful person. It was really the first time that I have ever had a Christian science teacher.

I took this situation as a comfort and a reminder that I am not the only Christian on this campus, and that I am not alone. God has a funny way of making sure that we cross paths with the right people at the right times.  And always remember:

"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do" Ephesians 2:10.

So my challenge for you is to do the work that the Lord is calling you to do, and what He has prepared you to do. Do not for one second think that you are alone because you have the support of many believer that live in this world. If you are feeling the support right now, then reach out to someone who may not feel that support. Reach out to other college students that attend public schools, and reach out to Christians in the workplace that may not know that you are also a Christian. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ, and we can all use each others support and love.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Pain Will Not Win

Pain is something that I have had to live with my entire life. I don't know what it is like to not have pain. However, I do know that I can make the choice to either push myself as hard as I can and fight the pain, or I can give up and let the pain become me. The choice gets tougher on days like today. Today it was raining, and chilly, and on top of all of that I had to walk a very long distance to get to and from classes. My knee is swollen and my head has been pounding. I've been contemplating whether or not to lay down and rest, and forget everything else that I have to get done. The thing is, I am not the kind of person to give up and let my pain lead my life.

Whenever I tell someone that I have Fibromyalgia, or that my mom and my sister suffer with pain conditions as well, they always say that they are so sorry. I do not want an apology, nor do I want anyone's pity because I consider myself to be one of the lucky ones. I pity those with disabilities that do not yet know the Lord because they do not know of His healing powers. I meet people very often who lived their lives without pain, and then all of a sudden they wake up and are being labeled with some life altering pain disorder. In their cases they did live life without pain, and without any restrictions, but now they have to change everything. Being in pain for my entire life has provided me an outlook that I may not have had if I wasn't in pain. I have a compassion for others like myself, or others that are struggling medically and emotionally.

I find a lot of my hope, and my comfort through Psalm 103:2-5: "Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all of your sins and heals all of your diseases. Who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagles"
I wish that I was not in pain and that there weren't 46 million (literally)  other people in this country suffering from the same disease that I have, but I cannot dwell on that wish. My situation is not going to change no matter how much I wish I could change it. I have decided to use my pain to reach out to others and share with them the reason that I have so much hope. My pain has humbled me, and given me a wonderful understanding of anyone that is struggling with any sort of illness or dissability. The Lord has also provided me with the knowledge and tools to help anyone that is struggling. I am blessed in a way that is hard to put words to.

I challenge you to go out of your way to help those in pain. I can guarantee you that as the weather changes those who suffer with any sort of pain problems will need help. Be a witness, and be the support that someone has been praying for. Also, pray that God can lead you in the direction of someone that truly needs your help in their lives. God may lead you somewhere you never thought you would be, so embrace the challenge and let God work.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Fearing Failure

At some level each of us has a fear of failure. We fear that if we fail, that means we are not good enough to succeed. Right now in my life I have a fear of failing school and not having the success that everyone is expecting me to have. Failure doesn't just happen in school, it could happen in many places. For parents it might be when their kids get in some sort of trouble, and they feel like they failed to teach their child right and wrong. Failure can happen in the workplace, maybe when you are let go, or when you are criticized by your boss. That fear is what Satan feeds off of, he would love to see us fail.

There are really only two options when you have a fear of failure: the first is that you can give up and wallow in your sorrows. The second option is that you fight against failure. There have been times when I felt the "failures" stacking up against me, and I have been ready to give up and accept the fact that I am a self proclaimed failure. It is much easier to do than fighting against failure and learning from that failure. However, we are not expected to face that failure alone. The Lord will guide you and use that "failure" as a stepping stone or a learning point in your life.

It is commanded that, "Whatever you do, work at it with all of your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving!" Colossians 4:23-24

When I work at earning success just to fulfill what everyone in my life is expecting me to do I face a lot of failures. I have to remember that I am not here to serve those around me, I am here to serve the Lord. When we are facing failure it is hard to remember what the purpose of our efforts are. I believe that sometimes the Lord allows us to fail because He is reminding us where we are supposed to be turning for help, and who our success comes from.Right  when I feel like I am just not good enough to succeed, and am ready to give up the Lord has a way of opening my eyes to the success that I am so close to reaching.

Today, for example, I received two assignments in one class that I thought I did well on, and instead I failed to reach my standards. Then I received and assignment from a class that I have been seeking prayer about, and had two perfect scores. On my way to pick up the second set of assignments I was already preparing myself to read yet another bad grade. I was labeling myself as a failure before I even had the grades in front of me. When I picked up those successful assignments, I was a little ashamed of myself for not trusting that with hard work, prayer and perseverance, the Lord would help me succeed. I immediately thanked God for the reminder that one "failure" did not label me as a complete failure, nor did it mean that I'm not good enough.

I challenge you throughout this week to take each "failure" as a time to stop and ask yourself who you are serving. Remember that we are good enough in God's eyes and at the end of the day that is more important than anyone around you. Pray about past failures that you have clung to as proof that you aren't good enough, and let it go. Also, when you see someone else facing or fearing failure be a support for them, remind them of God's love, and pray with them for future success. Have faith that everything happens to us for a reason, and that God will use failure to help you grow. 

Friday, September 14, 2012

Letting Go and Letting God

I was sitting with my best friend the other night watching old episodes of the show 7th Heaven. While we were watching one of the characters said, "Let go and let God". That phrase is all that I have been thinking about since I heard it. It was like God using an old show to get me to listen. Sometimes we aren't really listening to what God is saying to us. We have what I like to call, selective listening, because we only hear what we want to hear. God has been trying to talk to me for a while now but I have been avoiding a certain subject.

When walking through my high school, I was reminded of the guilt that I feel for being such a pessimist for so long. I fought negativity for years, but it was always easier to expect the worst from everything and everyone. In my prayer life I have been avoiding letting go of my guilt. I have clung to this guilt because I wasn't ready to give it up. Just like I wasn't ready to give up my pessimism. In high school, for the most part I learned to expect the worst so that I would never be disappointed. My hopes were never high because I figured that it was a waste to hope for good things. While I was stuck in a pit of negativity I hurt so many people and I lost friends and people that I cared about. I lost myself as well. 

I never thought or cared how I looked to all of the non believers. Without realizing it, I was acting like a non believer, while preaching about faith. I damaged my own walk with the Lord and I stared some people in the wrong direction because I was unhappy and I didn't feel like making anyone else happy. Though I did not deserve it, God got me through that and gave me the opportunity to start over. He held out His hand to help me out of my pit of negativity. He forgave me for everything that I had done.

I decided a few days ago that it was time for me to Let Go and Let God. I rid myself of the guilt and gave it all to the Lord. I feel like a weight has been taken off of me, leaving me free for happiness. I have been blessed more than I could ever thank the Lord for. He has been leading me down this path for a few months now, but I can fully appreciate what He has been doing in my life now. He has shown me peace in my tribulations and happiness even while I am stressed out. I wake up happy and ready to serve the Lord, and I am so thankful that He gave me another chance to change how I live and act. He has also blessed me with a second chance to heal relationships that I damages while I was on my negativity rampage.

I challenge you today to look at situations in your life. Have you let God take away your guilt and your sin? I know that it is hard to let go because that means you have to admit that you were wrong. It is worth it, because letting go means letting God work in your life the way that He wants to. I also challenge you to praise Him no matter what happens. He is blessing us during ever hardship, we just have to be open to receiving that blessing. The best decision I have made lately is truly letting go and letting God.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Lord, What Am I Doing Here?

Two years ago this month I was deciding on the schools that I was going to apply to. Two of my choices were Christian colleges while the other two were state schools. I began getting really excited to go to school, and I really began leaning toward a Christian University. I prayed about it all the time looking for the path that God had set out for me. And then all of a sudden I believed the answer had fallen into my lap. An amazing Christian school reached out to me so I applied and I was accepted right away! The school is very expensive but I believed that God had sent me that school, so He would send the money too. When I couldn't find enough money to attend I was devistated, but I remembered that I had been accepted at another Christian university.

I sent the other school my first payment and I was officially enrolled for the following fall semester. Again I believed that it was the path that the Lord wanted me to take, but once I had my knee surgery, everything changed. I could not longer attend the Christian university because it was out of state and my surgeon, and doctors were in Connecticut. What I didn't know then is that it was going to take another six months for me to learn to walk again. I spent many nights crying because I could not understand why God wanted me at Eastern and not a Christian college.

I spent a year being angry, and resentful. I did not want to be at this University and I spent so much time trying to get away from here. I wanted to be where I wanted to be not where God wanted me to be. I could not believe that the Lord had put me at this school to be tormented and hurt. This whole time I have been trying to please myself, and make sure that I'm happy where I am. I put my focus on me and my problems and not the ones that I should be focusing on. I felt a lack of trust and safety because I didn't get the answer that I prayed for. However the Lord made a promise to us:

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not the harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

It wasn't until today that I finally realized what I can be doing at this school. Here I am, at a public university, where there are hundreds of people who do not know the Lord. I missed an entire year of opportunity because I was more concerned about asking why and not listening to the answer. The Lord obviously thought that I was strong enough to handle this university because He put me here. I finally feel a sort of peace that I have been missing. I am ready for the Lord to use me and speak through me.

So my challenge for you today is to look at your life and see if you are missing any opportunities to share the gospel or the truth of the Lord. The next time that you want to ask the Lord why, make sure that you are really ready for the answer that He gives you. It is not an easy thing to do, but imagine how many lives we can save just by listening and preaching the word to the non-believers that we interact with every day.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sticks and Stones

We have all heard the cliche phrase: "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me". I'm not sure about you, but words do hurt me, a lot. It would be so nice to ignore every hurtful/ hateful comment, but its harder than you think. I have struggled with this my entire life. There have been times where I just wanted to give up and stay in bed. But through the strength that God gave me I did get up and I continued pushing through all of the hurt and the hate.

I have always been afraid to face those that bullied me in the past. I felt so weak every time that they saw me, or were near me. For the most part I have been weak because I have been trying to fight these battles alone. When my sister was bullied I always turned to the Lord for strength and guidance and I felt like I was doing something right. However, when it came down to me being bullied I did not turn to God. I did not want to admit that I was weak and that I needed help. So I would hide away and feel like nothing whenever a bully was near.

Over the course of my freshman year of college the bullying got worse. Not only was I bullied in the classroom, but in my dorm, in my own room. My relationship with the Lord was stronger than it had ever been before, so when it came time to face my biggest bully, I turned toward the Lord. I asked Him for His guidance and His help. I was afraid that I was going to get to angry and act on that anger. When it was time to talk I was able to keep calm in a very heated situation.

It took me a year to get out of that terrible situation but I came out of that situation as a stronger Christian. When I ran into the person who tormented me today I was able to look that person in the face even though they cannot look me in the face. My favorite Bible verse fits this situation perfectly, and that is one of the reasons I lean on the verse.

I lift my eyes unto the hills where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord the maker of heaven and earth! Psalm 121:1-2.

My challenge for you today is to pray for those that have hurt you, and pray for your own healing. Do not continue to look away when you face the person, instead look at them and show them the love of Jesus. Most importantly pray that the Lord can help you forgive. I am still working on the forgiveness part of my situation but I continue to pray about it and I will continue to work on it. If you have been the bully, go to the person that you bullied and ask for their forgiveness; take responsibility for your actions and turn your sin to the Lord to receive His forgiveness as well. 

And remember that at the end of the day, regardless of how others see you and treat you, you are not worthless. God believes that every one of us is worth it and He proved that when gave His only son so that we could live. He made us worth it.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Day to Remember

I still remember exactly what I was doing when a plane hit the twins towers 11 years ago. I remember the tears that were shed by teachers and parents that came to pick up their children from school. We were young children at the time, and suddenly our innocent view of the world was shattered. As each year passed by I met more and more families and children that were directly effected by 9/11. I myself did not lose anyone, but my friends have. On this day 11 years ago mothers lost their children, children lost their parents, and friends lost their loved ones. I hurt for those people that are hurting, and in the past I felt like there was nothing I could do to help them get through this day each time that it comes around.

Though a lot of us did not lose a loved one on September 11th, we have all suffered a loss in some way. I lost my best friend a little over a year ago. I felt like my heart was ripped out of me, and left me empty with nothing but greif. I have felt the pain, and the sorrow that the victim's families felt and still feel. I also know that in all of the time that has passed I have not stopped thinking about what else I wanted to say to my best friend, and all the memories that we wanted to make together. It is so easy to get stuck in a pit of what if's, and failed plans.

Today while studying my Bible I came across a verse that was is so relavant to everything that I have been saying, and feeling.

"Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted"  Matthew 5:4

It is okay to mourn, but we have to turn that over to the Lord. In order to be comforted we need to want to be comforted. When you are ready to let the Lord in, and let Him help, He has promised to comfort us. Throughout today consider how your life can be changed just by turning your grief over the God.  

After much thought I realized that the one way I can help the grieving is to pray for them. It seems so obvious to pray for them, and some of you may already pray for those who have lost loved ones. So I challenge you today, to take the time to focus your prayer around healing, comfort and forgiveness. And pray for those all over this country that have lost loved ones and are not turning their hurt over to the Lord. Then remember to thank the Lord for giving you the chance to live and to have a loving family. I am a firm believer that prayer changes thing. So let's start praying.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Fresh Start

As you may know, I have attempted to re-start this blog before, but it was never successful because I really wasn't ready to re-start it. In the time that I have spent away from this blog a lot of things have changed in my life. I have faced many trials, but everytime that I was ready to give up, God sent me a reminder of His presence and His love. My first year of college did not go the way that I had planned, but the key is that it didn't go the way that I MYSELF had planned. I tried to follow my plan and when it backfired on me God forgave me and gave me another chance to follow his plan. Though my first year was miserable and almost unbearable, I found comfort in knowing that God was with me. I was humbled last year, and it helped me grow as a person and as a child of God.

I have entered my second year with a new perspective on the life that I live. It is my goal, God willing, to keep up with my writing throughout this year, in the hope that I can grow and share that growth with others. I want to be a testimony to both believers and non believers. Every single person that lives on this earth faces trials at some point in their life. Those of us who know the Lord have Him to lean on, and we know that no matter what God gets us through everything. My heart goes out to the non believers who feel a sense of hopelessness. They desperately need to know the Lord and know that there is always hope. I will not pretend that  I am a perfect person that always turns to God when things get tough, but I do my best!

In the next few months a lot will be changing in my life, some of those changes, I don't even know about, but God does. However, I can see what is in front of me, and I am so thankful that the Lord brought me where I am today. The thought of coming back to the school that caused me so much grief, was daunting. I was scared and reluctant. I didn't even start packing to leave for school until the day before I was supposed to move in. I was praying that somehow I would get to stay home with my family and not face school. At home I had three little sisters to take care of and to love. I continued to pray about it as I unpacked my belongings and said goodbye to my parents. My prayers we heard, and for the first time ever I enjoyed college. I enjoyed living here, and going home. The Lord has blessed me with a support system and suite-mates that are accepting and kind. I have peace inside of me and that peace comes from the Lord.

I believe that everything that happened to me last year was leading me to this point. Though I faced a trial, the reward is worth it. I am able to appreciate my blessings and appreciate the people in my life that love and support me. There are still so many people that are stuck in trials and they feel as if there is no way out. I challenge you this week to find students on campus, people at work, or a friend, and tell them about a trial that you have overcome. Share with them the blessings that God has given you, and that there is a way out always. Share with them the love of Christ that we hold so dear.