Monday, September 17, 2012

Fearing Failure

At some level each of us has a fear of failure. We fear that if we fail, that means we are not good enough to succeed. Right now in my life I have a fear of failing school and not having the success that everyone is expecting me to have. Failure doesn't just happen in school, it could happen in many places. For parents it might be when their kids get in some sort of trouble, and they feel like they failed to teach their child right and wrong. Failure can happen in the workplace, maybe when you are let go, or when you are criticized by your boss. That fear is what Satan feeds off of, he would love to see us fail.

There are really only two options when you have a fear of failure: the first is that you can give up and wallow in your sorrows. The second option is that you fight against failure. There have been times when I felt the "failures" stacking up against me, and I have been ready to give up and accept the fact that I am a self proclaimed failure. It is much easier to do than fighting against failure and learning from that failure. However, we are not expected to face that failure alone. The Lord will guide you and use that "failure" as a stepping stone or a learning point in your life.

It is commanded that, "Whatever you do, work at it with all of your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving!" Colossians 4:23-24

When I work at earning success just to fulfill what everyone in my life is expecting me to do I face a lot of failures. I have to remember that I am not here to serve those around me, I am here to serve the Lord. When we are facing failure it is hard to remember what the purpose of our efforts are. I believe that sometimes the Lord allows us to fail because He is reminding us where we are supposed to be turning for help, and who our success comes from.Right  when I feel like I am just not good enough to succeed, and am ready to give up the Lord has a way of opening my eyes to the success that I am so close to reaching.

Today, for example, I received two assignments in one class that I thought I did well on, and instead I failed to reach my standards. Then I received and assignment from a class that I have been seeking prayer about, and had two perfect scores. On my way to pick up the second set of assignments I was already preparing myself to read yet another bad grade. I was labeling myself as a failure before I even had the grades in front of me. When I picked up those successful assignments, I was a little ashamed of myself for not trusting that with hard work, prayer and perseverance, the Lord would help me succeed. I immediately thanked God for the reminder that one "failure" did not label me as a complete failure, nor did it mean that I'm not good enough.

I challenge you throughout this week to take each "failure" as a time to stop and ask yourself who you are serving. Remember that we are good enough in God's eyes and at the end of the day that is more important than anyone around you. Pray about past failures that you have clung to as proof that you aren't good enough, and let it go. Also, when you see someone else facing or fearing failure be a support for them, remind them of God's love, and pray with them for future success. Have faith that everything happens to us for a reason, and that God will use failure to help you grow. 

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