Wednesday, September 19, 2012

We Do Not Stand Alone

Attending a public university is an amazing life experience and is teaching me what life will be like once I graduate. Every day is a new opportunity to share the gospel, and to pray over or with someone. After a while though, when I am not getting a lot of positive responses, I feel isolated and different than everyone else. However, we as Christians are called to be different and to stand out.

There is an adorable elderly man that has gone to my church for as long as I can remember. From the moment I started high school, to the minute I graduated he was trying to nail into my head that I needed to go to a Christian school. I waited to tell him that I would not be attending the university of his choice, until a month before move in day. I didn't want to hurt his feelings, nor did I want him to lose faith in me. Every Sunday since I started college he has asked me how I am dealing with being taught by non-believers. Every week I tell him that its okay.

It used to upset me that he had so little faith in me. I was offended that he thought he had to remind me that I am a Christian, and that he is praying for me since I am at this type of school. Now I see it as God's reminder that no matter how alone I feel there are always people in prayer for me. So rather than getting upset with him each week I bring share a small testimony with him. I want him to know about the work that God is doing all around me everyday. One of his biggest concerns was the fact that I am taking science courses this semester, and he keeps telling me that I have to remember that they want me to see everything from a world view. I knew that already but I like him to think that he is teaching me.

However, this past Sunday he really got me thinking about science. I do disagree with some things, but the courses are required, so I had him pray for me and pray over the classes. I cannot wait to tell him that the Lord already answered our prayers. Yesterday in my science class my professor started referencing some historical information from the Bible, and related it to science. I was awestruck, and I thought maybe she was just knowledable about the history of the Bible, but she outright told my class that she did not agree with everything our textbook was saying because shes a faithful person. It was really the first time that I have ever had a Christian science teacher.

I took this situation as a comfort and a reminder that I am not the only Christian on this campus, and that I am not alone. God has a funny way of making sure that we cross paths with the right people at the right times.  And always remember:

"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do" Ephesians 2:10.

So my challenge for you is to do the work that the Lord is calling you to do, and what He has prepared you to do. Do not for one second think that you are alone because you have the support of many believer that live in this world. If you are feeling the support right now, then reach out to someone who may not feel that support. Reach out to other college students that attend public schools, and reach out to Christians in the workplace that may not know that you are also a Christian. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ, and we can all use each others support and love.

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