Thursday, September 20, 2012

Speak Out, Speak Up

Every single day there is someone around us that is being picked on or harassed by others. When we were younger we used to pick on each other all of the time on the play ground. We would call each other names or boys would tell the girls that they were gross. It isn't seen as bullying because the kids are so young and they are trying to associate themselves with a certain group of friends. But, when does it stop being innocent teasing, and at what point do those words go from being a joke to being an insult. The line is so fine that we cross it without thinking twice. I watched it happen in the middle school, high school, sports teams and even youth groups. It is not just kids and teens, adults do the same thing but in different ways. They may all be out of high school but I've met many adults who do not act like it. The thing is that the older you get, more damage can be done.

I know that I have written about the matter of bullying before, but it was more focused. I have been contemplating touching on the matter of bullying again but I felt that the Lord was leading me to it. The reason that I cannot stop thinking about the topic of bullying is because Every single day I sit back and watch a girl in my class get teased and laughed at all because she has trouble explaining what she wants to say and it takes her longer to explain. I feel that I am not doing my part and the reason I can't stop thinking about it is because God is giving me instruction and I am to scared to follow it.

I am being selfish, because I do not want to give anyone a reason to talk about me in a bad way or to have them bully me instead.  All that I keep thinking is how I wished someone said something when I was the one being bullied, yet I won't stand up for someone else. I feel horrible that it took me this long to finally listen to the Lord, and to be open to standing up for someone else. I would like to think that I would always stand up for anyone that needed help but when it came down to it I let my fear of being bullied cloud my vision.

When I found this verse it was the command that I have been avoiding but it was in print this time.

“Stop doing wrong, learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow.” – Isaiah 1:16-17

So this week and this next month I challenge you to stop sitting back and watching someone get bullied. Put yourself in their shoes and realize that they need support. You can also take it as an opportunity to share the message, and give someone hope. Let them know that they are loved. Even though I know what I should do now, I have to be in prayer and be ready to stand firm with the strength and love of Christ.

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