Monday, September 10, 2012

Fresh Start

As you may know, I have attempted to re-start this blog before, but it was never successful because I really wasn't ready to re-start it. In the time that I have spent away from this blog a lot of things have changed in my life. I have faced many trials, but everytime that I was ready to give up, God sent me a reminder of His presence and His love. My first year of college did not go the way that I had planned, but the key is that it didn't go the way that I MYSELF had planned. I tried to follow my plan and when it backfired on me God forgave me and gave me another chance to follow his plan. Though my first year was miserable and almost unbearable, I found comfort in knowing that God was with me. I was humbled last year, and it helped me grow as a person and as a child of God.

I have entered my second year with a new perspective on the life that I live. It is my goal, God willing, to keep up with my writing throughout this year, in the hope that I can grow and share that growth with others. I want to be a testimony to both believers and non believers. Every single person that lives on this earth faces trials at some point in their life. Those of us who know the Lord have Him to lean on, and we know that no matter what God gets us through everything. My heart goes out to the non believers who feel a sense of hopelessness. They desperately need to know the Lord and know that there is always hope. I will not pretend that  I am a perfect person that always turns to God when things get tough, but I do my best!

In the next few months a lot will be changing in my life, some of those changes, I don't even know about, but God does. However, I can see what is in front of me, and I am so thankful that the Lord brought me where I am today. The thought of coming back to the school that caused me so much grief, was daunting. I was scared and reluctant. I didn't even start packing to leave for school until the day before I was supposed to move in. I was praying that somehow I would get to stay home with my family and not face school. At home I had three little sisters to take care of and to love. I continued to pray about it as I unpacked my belongings and said goodbye to my parents. My prayers we heard, and for the first time ever I enjoyed college. I enjoyed living here, and going home. The Lord has blessed me with a support system and suite-mates that are accepting and kind. I have peace inside of me and that peace comes from the Lord.

I believe that everything that happened to me last year was leading me to this point. Though I faced a trial, the reward is worth it. I am able to appreciate my blessings and appreciate the people in my life that love and support me. There are still so many people that are stuck in trials and they feel as if there is no way out. I challenge you this week to find students on campus, people at work, or a friend, and tell them about a trial that you have overcome. Share with them the blessings that God has given you, and that there is a way out always. Share with them the love of Christ that we hold so dear.

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