Friday, September 14, 2012

Letting Go and Letting God

I was sitting with my best friend the other night watching old episodes of the show 7th Heaven. While we were watching one of the characters said, "Let go and let God". That phrase is all that I have been thinking about since I heard it. It was like God using an old show to get me to listen. Sometimes we aren't really listening to what God is saying to us. We have what I like to call, selective listening, because we only hear what we want to hear. God has been trying to talk to me for a while now but I have been avoiding a certain subject.

When walking through my high school, I was reminded of the guilt that I feel for being such a pessimist for so long. I fought negativity for years, but it was always easier to expect the worst from everything and everyone. In my prayer life I have been avoiding letting go of my guilt. I have clung to this guilt because I wasn't ready to give it up. Just like I wasn't ready to give up my pessimism. In high school, for the most part I learned to expect the worst so that I would never be disappointed. My hopes were never high because I figured that it was a waste to hope for good things. While I was stuck in a pit of negativity I hurt so many people and I lost friends and people that I cared about. I lost myself as well. 

I never thought or cared how I looked to all of the non believers. Without realizing it, I was acting like a non believer, while preaching about faith. I damaged my own walk with the Lord and I stared some people in the wrong direction because I was unhappy and I didn't feel like making anyone else happy. Though I did not deserve it, God got me through that and gave me the opportunity to start over. He held out His hand to help me out of my pit of negativity. He forgave me for everything that I had done.

I decided a few days ago that it was time for me to Let Go and Let God. I rid myself of the guilt and gave it all to the Lord. I feel like a weight has been taken off of me, leaving me free for happiness. I have been blessed more than I could ever thank the Lord for. He has been leading me down this path for a few months now, but I can fully appreciate what He has been doing in my life now. He has shown me peace in my tribulations and happiness even while I am stressed out. I wake up happy and ready to serve the Lord, and I am so thankful that He gave me another chance to change how I live and act. He has also blessed me with a second chance to heal relationships that I damages while I was on my negativity rampage.

I challenge you today to look at situations in your life. Have you let God take away your guilt and your sin? I know that it is hard to let go because that means you have to admit that you were wrong. It is worth it, because letting go means letting God work in your life the way that He wants to. I also challenge you to praise Him no matter what happens. He is blessing us during ever hardship, we just have to be open to receiving that blessing. The best decision I have made lately is truly letting go and letting God.

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