Monday, October 13, 2014

Coming Back to the Heart of Worship

It has been a little while since I have posted. I have the same excuses that I always have. School is crazy, I have a million things on my to do list and this isn't one of them. It is something that I really enjoy doing, but it seems like there is no time for this to get done. I have felt led to post and I've even started a few. The feedback has warmed my heart. I just want to thank everyone who reads this. I don't write this as a way to make myself look good, I write this because even when I am a mess, and have done things wrong, I am STILL a child of God. No matter what we do, He loves us and that's the message that I am trying to share.

Something my pastor said in church yesterday really struck me. He was talking about coming back to the heart of worship. He said that we have a tendency to let out minds wander and that actually paying attention and giving our body and mind to God is a really difficult thing. What he didn't know at the time was that I was planning out my grocery list at that exact moment. We have so many things that are going on inside ourselves and in the lives of those around us.

As I sit here, all around me are text books, note cards, notebooks and assignments. In front of me is my to do list that seems like its a mile long. No matter how many things I do, I feel like my list is not getting any shorter. Though I complete things, more things get added. I keep saying that as soon as things calm down I will start to blog more regularly, but this weekend I realized that things are never going to calm down here. I am in the home stretch which means that my professors are going to teach, test, and work to cram everything in before graduation.

Though I accomplish assignments, I feel like I have made little to no time, to worship and pray and read the Word of God. I always say that I am going to do it, and by the time I have some time, its late at night and I want to play games with my roommates. This year I have been all about making it the best year. I haven't had the fun college experience that most people have when they go to college, so this is my chance. However, I realize that I NEED to make time with God. If I don't, no matter how much I knock off my to do list, I really won't be fulfilled.

I am not saying that I have shut God out. I still pray, ALL the time, lets face it, if I didn't I would fall apart. I am saying that I need to set aside time. Time that is uninterrupted and focused on my relationship with Jesus Christ. Without Him, none of this stuff matters. I need to set down my to do list, and shut out all of the drama and sorrow of this world, and spend time with God. The struggle is very real and I am sure that I am not the only one facing this. I am the only one that can make a change to my life, just like you are the only one who can make a change in your life.

To start out small, I am going to spend the next week actively making time in which I can study The Word, spend time in prayer and truly worship the Lord for all of the work that He is doing in my life right now. If you choose to join me, that's great. If you aren't ready, God is always here waiting.

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