Monday, December 27, 2010

Seek and You Will Find

Yesterday was a rough day for me. I had a lot of drama go on. I have never done well with any sort of drama. So I went off by myself to my room and cried. I then decided to pray, because I knew that God would listen. It first started with me yelling at God asking him why he puts people in my life who will hurt me. I then went off and talked to one of my youth leaders, who helped me gather my emotions. I got myself ready to sleep, when I saw my Bible sitting on the floor next to my bed. I picked it up and looked up toward the ceiling (I always feel more respectful when I'm looking toward God) and I just prayed for wisdom. Then I looked back at the Bible and opened it. I looked at what I had opened to and there was a verse that said, "you have been a refuge for the poor, a refuge for the needy in his distress, a shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat" Isaiah 25:4. I have a devotional Bible, so right next to that was a responsive letter explaining that God will never leave me alone in drama or anything else that is thrown my way. I then knew that God had answered my cry for help. I left my Bible open to that page and put it down for the night, and I went to sleep feeling at peace with the events of the day.

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