Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Distracted By Life

Before I begin, let me first say that I'm behind on a lot of things right now. Blogging being one of them, but more importantly I'm behind on my Bible reading. This year as a family my sister, my mom and I took on the challenge of reading the Bible in a year. Prior to the start of this journey, I was on my journey of prayer, which I am still on. For months I had this lazar like focus. I knew that distractions would come but I had made up my mind. Nothing would distract me. I kept up with my reading all the way through the month of May.

I am type A, if you haven't noticed, so I was reading on track, every day, and if I fell behind I would stay up late until I finished reading (honestly it was mostly the Old testament because it was so much to get through). Not one month went by when I didn't complete the reading for that specific month. So here I am, at the end of June panicking because for the first time, I didn't get my reading done. In the back of my mind, I guess I knew  I wasn't doing my daily reading.

So finally today, I sat down to read, in my favorite spot by the big window. I was in the middle of reading Philippians when this fly showed up. He was bouncing off the window, buzzing around my head, flying all over and landing on my stuff. I put the Bible down and tried to chase that little thing all around, and then it hit me. How many "flies" have interrupted my time with God this month. How many times did I just get up to deal with something else instead of reading my Bible.

I really got to thinking about it. I have used every excuse I could this month. First it was that my Grandpa was sick, and I couldn't leave his side. Then He passed away and I needed some time to grieve. Then I got really sick, and lost my voice. I was so angry with God for letting me get sick (which was totally not His fault, I worked in a school). Then I had friends, and social media, and then I was too tired to read. Just how many times this month, did that fly buzz around my head and distract me from this journey that I was on.

I tell you all of that, not to get pity, but rather to show you that even when you don't expect it, distractions are everywhere. Whether its an actual fly, or whether its running your kids all over to all of their activities. Whether its work, or making dinner, or just simply being to tired. We all have those little flies that buzz around our heads. Satan loves it, he relishes in those little distractions.

I think that its time that I stop chasing the flies, and sit down and just be with God. Being with God in prayer and in the Word is how we grow. I've noticed that this month I have felt a little further away from God. I miss the closeness that I had when I was in prayer and in the Word every day. It is that desire that will motivate me to move forward and ignore the things around me. Its not going to be easy.

When we become followers of Christ we are given new life. Colossians 2: 6-7 says, "And now, just as you have accepted Christ Jesus and your Lord, you must continue to follow Him. Let your roots grow down into Him, and let your lives be built on Him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness". We are made new and we want the roots to grow in Him. I hope you have that same desire to know Him and love Him.

As I sit here typing this, I realize this is a distraction as well, but one that I felt led to chase. The fly is still buzzing around me, but for now, I have to learn to overcome the distraction and myself be filled with Christ. The world is going to throw a lot at us, but through Christ we will overcome this world and one day join Him in paradise where there will be no more distractions.

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