Monday, January 21, 2013

Gotta Have Faith

There are so many things in this world that bring me down and that bring others down. It is a part of our everyday life but that doesn't make it any better. We are human, we fight, we cry, we lose, we cling to things, we don't trust each other, and the list goes on. There are so many things that seem so unfair. Sometimes I sit here and feel like I am watching so many great memories in my life slip away like they meant nothing. I try to think positively but Satan is always there and ready to trip me up. I wish that I could tell you that he doesn't trip me up sometimes but that would be a lie.

I have to face a lot and I have faced a lot in my lifetime. I have shared many of those struggles with you on here and some I have shared with in person. Lately I have been in one of those moods where I don't want to talk to anyone because everyone else seems to have the perfect life compared to me right now. I look at everyone else and see how many people are getting married and starting a family. I look at everyone else and see how easy school is for them. I look at everyone else and wonder what it is like to not be in pain all of the time. I look at everyone and try to understand how everything can just be falling into place for them while in my life things seem to be falling apart.

I forget that I am not in control of my life and that as long as I long to be someone else or long to have my dream life, I am missing out on what God has planned for me. I have been very unhappy and have begun to push people away because every time someone talks to me I get more and more disappointed with the way that my life is going. I get so tired of being alone, I get so tired of being hurt, and I get so tired of everyone expecting me to be someone that I am not or condemning me for having opinions. It is like I am stuck in a rut and everyone is making sure that I stay there right now. Sure, on the surface people ask how I am doing or what is going on in my life but they're too busy to hear me when I cry out for help.

The reason that I am having these issues arise again is because I am not turning to God for help. I have faith that God will work in my life the way that He plans to, but being faithful and being happy are hard to do for me. I want to be happy again and I know that God can do that if I let Him. The funny thing is that when I was shopping earlier today I found a silly little picture frame that had such a powerful quote on it. I am going to leave you to think about this quote and maybe see how it applies to you in your life and in your walk with God.

It says, "Faith is not believing that God can, it's knowing that He will"

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