Monday, January 28, 2013

Safety In Christ

We all have some sense of security when it comes to our daily safety. The first time that we walk down a staircase after we have fallen down the stairs at some other time, we are cautious. We know what can happen because it has happened before. After a few times up and down the stairs we kind of brush it out of our minds and move on with our lives. Growing up we are taught how to not be afraid of everything dangerous but rather to use caution. This has worked for so many things and it is something we are trained to do as kids. However, what happens when we are facing danger and we have no way out of it and no way around it?

Today I had to drive my self back to school. It's nothing new, I have been doing it for a long time. I always have some fear on the road because people are wild and there is always a chance for an accident. Today was a little different because it was snowing. I have also driven in snow on my way to school before and I made it here just fine. However, everyone was making such a big deal about this snow because it was coming with ice. As each of the schools in my area at home cancelled I continued to grow nervous. Before I could even pull out of the driveway I sat for a few minutes watching the snow fall and playing out the different scenario's in my head of what could happen while I drive.

Once I was out on the road my fear did not go away. I kept talking to the car like I was crazy because my car is not that great for any sort of bad weather. Talking to the car did not make anything happened but I can guarantee that  I am not the only one who talks to/ at their car every once in a while. As the roads got worse all I kept seeing in my mind was how I could crash in certain areas if there was ice. I knew that I needed to calm down but I wasn't sure how at first. Then it hit me how silly I was for nothing thinking of the best thing to do when I feel so unsafe. I just needed to pray so I did.

This is what God has to say about my fear and the danger that I was facing.

"For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I am the one who helps you.”Isaiah 41:13

I made it to school without sliding on a patch of ice or getting into an accident. I honestly believe that it was God. He gave me the strength to quit being so afraid of the road and the snowy ice and reach my destination. I cannot say that my fears were totally shattered but I was able to calm down and keep on going. God has made a promise to us again and again.

No matter how small the fear or how dangerous the situation is, don't forget to call on our protector. I have said it over and over again that God is with us always. Even when we forget to call on Him, He is looking over us. Things are bound to happen because we live on this sinful earth, but we can face it all as long as we have Christ.

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