Tuesday, July 29, 2014

We Are God's Creation

In an imperfect world, full of disappointments, and mistakes. It is easy to be caught up in the troubles of the world. I myself get trapped in the cycle of negativity. I have told you that I have gotten caught up in negativity before. Sometimes I am left to wonder whether there is good in this world. I watch as people hurt themselves, hurt each other, lose children, have loved ones pass away too soon and people who are just down on their "luck". I really have to take a step back and look around this earth, because there has to be good here.

This same place, that brings us fear, loss, pain and so much more, was created by our God. His plan wasn't to make this place so miserable, we are the ones who made it that way. We took that perfection away. So now we live in imperfection, but we have to remember that God is all around us. I am not a person who likes to think positively. I have found that when I think positively things turn out bad and I am always disappointed. I pray and pray and pray for things that I want to happen and then nothing happens. I want things done in my time in my way.

It's not just the world that we criticize negatively. I know that for myself, there are a lot of times where I look at myself in the mirror and am ready to change everything about the way that I look. People get annoyed with me for saying that I want to lose weight but in my head I have a picture of the body that I used to have and the body that I desire. So I push myself to look better. Then I think about my knee and the fact that all of the trouble it caused, really damaged my body. I have hidden the inside of my legs for years now because after the surgery I got these weird dark purple stretch marks that go all the way down to my knees.

There were times that I hated my body so much that all I wanted to do was wear sweatpants so that no one could see the imperfection. On top of that all, I have a skin disorder that covers me head to toe. I was bullied for years about it. I am not the only person who does this to myself. I have talked to others that also criticize their bodies. However, its time that we stop and think that what we are criticizing is a work that God created. He crafted us each in His image, with His hands. Before we were even a thought in our parents mind, we were being created by God. We may hate the earth, we may hate our bodies, we may hate everything in life, but lets remember that everything we hate so much, was created by the Lord.

When my uncle passed away a couple months ago, my littlest sisters had a hard time understanding why someone could get so sick living here. When my mom and dad explained (in a kid friendly way), what death and life are, the kids grew concerned. They did not understand why God made us, and yet we still get sick. Then they asked about heaven, and they now know that in heaven we will be perfect again. They still struggle at times (they are only seven) to understand why there is hurt in this world.

What do you explain to a child? Well here it goes (my version anyway), God created the sky, he created the pretty grass, he created the ocean that we love to swim in. He created you, he created the ones you love and he created me. When we pull ourselves out of the negative aspects of the world, you can start to see that there is real beauty here and that God didn't mean for us to be miserable. Good things come to those who wait (yes its cliché), so pray and start to look for things around you that are special to you and know that those are all a gift from God.

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