Thursday, July 24, 2014

We Believe!

Wow, I can't believe this day is finally over. From the moment that I woke up, we were on the go doing so many things. I have to say though, that its way better than the reality that will hit at the end of August when we go back to school. I must apologize that I got not one, not two, but three of my little sisters sick. The apology comes because when they are sick the world becomes a pit of despair all around them. I praise God today though because I am finally feeling better. The best part was that I was well enough to sing praises to the Lord without coughing up a storm.

Tonight was the second night of our new worship team rehearsal. I have to say that God was roaring like a lion through the voices of many Christians tonight. It is such a blessing to be singing along side of strong Christian people. Though I am the "co-leader" I sit and learn from the two pastors that are singing with me. I have to say that I am pretty blessed to be in their company. This experience has not been an easy one in the past but we are rejoicing with God that things are looking up and getting better.

I introduced a song to the team that I have mentioned on this blog before, but its a song that has really touched my life. I was nervous about sharing it since this song means so much to me but their reactions were all positive. The song is called "We Believe". I am a person who worships through song. The lyrics to this song have a very strong meaning not only to me but to other believers. They encompass all of the things that we believe as Christians.

To understand my thought process regarding this song, I feel that one, you should listen to it, and two that I should share some of the lyrics.

"We believe in God the Father
We believe in Jesus Christ
We believe in the Holy Spirit
And He's given us new life
We believe in the crucifixion
We believe that He conquered death
We believe in the resurrection
And He's comin' back again, we believe"

These are the fundamental things that set us apart from non-believers. We believe that Jesus saved us from being punished for our sins. We may some of this aside in our daily lives but we really can't. If it weren't for God sending His only son, we would be paying the price for our sins already. He SAVED our lives, whether you believe it or not, He did it. He gave us a second chance starting the second that we are born. We are born again when we accept Christ and we are washed clean. That's what the lyrics describe.

The second part of those lyrics say that we believe He was crucified. Jesus hung on a cross, bloody and beaten so that we would not have to suffer that pain. God gave us His son to take that pain from us. That pain was real and there is no denying it happened. Again its easy to forget because it happened a long time ago, but we cannot forget it because we would have suffered that if Jesus hadn't died there.

Not only did Jesus die that painful death on the cross, but He defied everything that the adversary brought against Him. He rose from that grave and He was resurrected! Three days after His brutal death He came back again. He didn't come back to condemn us for what we (humans) did to Him, He came back to let us know again, that we were saved by the grace of God alone and nothing else.

Finally, we know that one day He will come back for us. This is not something that I like to think about or talk about. I have to admit that this part still really scares me. However, I know that its true. God will be coming back to save us yet again. I fear death but He isn't coming to bring death upon us, He is coming to take us to heaven to be with Him. We have no idea what the time frame for that is, but it will happen.

So the next time someone asks you what you believe you tell them. I believe that we were saved. I know that we were saved and that God is our ruler and that He will one day come back and save us from this broken world. We believe that one day we will be in heaven, at the right hand throne of God our father and our savior.

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