Friday, April 8, 2011

Do You Have Hope?

Hope is another one of those words that gets thrown around by everyone and anyone. It has become a space filler word, and something you tell people when they are down. Hope didn't come from the world though, it comes from the Lord. We are told many times in the Bible to have hope. Hope is what gets me through each day. If I did not have hope that the Lord has a plan, then I would live in sorrow. Some people live without hope. I haven't figured out if they are weak, or lazy, or have turned from God. I am not saying that when things are going wrong, I always see that glimpse of hope, but I do know where to go when I need to find that hope. I fold my hands and pray, sometimes I am led to talk to another one of my brothers or sisters in Christ, and other times I am led to the Bible. It does not make you weak to ask God for help, what makes you weak is ignoring the chance to feel hope from the Lord.

I have lived with many medical issues my entire life. I don't even want to think about what my life would be if my parents didn't show me the hope that the Lord gives. Somehow though, I can always have a melt down, and then take a step back and see where the light is shinning in. I tried to let go of hope for a while, but in doing that I signed over to a miserable life, filled with temporary gratification. I cling to hope so that I can keep pushing forward. I find that it actually helps bring me back onto the right path with the Lord. I am always searching for hope that He sends, so I have to stay in "contact" with Him.

Hope really is the Lord. He is the light in everything. Non-believers use the word hope too. It basically has the same meaning to them as it does to believers. It is the belief that something good will happen. That is how I see hope, but I also see that it comes from the Lord, and it comes in spite of the sinful lives we lead. Hope is a gift. The Lord has given this gift to everyone. I believe that, those who do not see hope in bad situations, put there gift in the closet without unwrapping it. My analogy makes me think twice when I am in "darkness". Instead of giving up, and giving in, I get up and start again, but ONLY by the grace of God. I have hope, therefore, darkness cannot consume me.

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