Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools.

Lately I have been in the presence of people that I consider "fools". I hate being with those people. They think that they have all the knowledge in the world, and brush off any wisdom from others. I know that I can be foolish, but I believe that I am open to learning about the Lord. I do not rely on my perspective of the Word as the final. There are some adults in my life as well, that believe that they have all the answers, and shoot down your ideas.

In the Bible, fools are mentioned in a few different capacities. I am speaking of Proverbs 14:33, "Wisdom rests in the hearts of him who has understanding, but what is in the heart of fools is made known." This verse is rather comforting to me because I hear those who speak everything that comes into their head, and question what I know. With adults, I never really speak what is on my heart, because I fear that I could be wrong, and they could be right. Not everyone who speaks his mind, is a fool, but those who contradict the Word of the Lord are foolish.

We were all given the freedom to think, to speak and to form an opinion, but when we make our opinions known, we need to come from a heart of the Lord. I am in constant prayer, asking for wisdom throughout my day. I do not pretend that I have all knowledge about the Lord, and His commands for us. It is known that I love to talk, but matters of the Lord, I do not speak. I am not a new Christian, but I know that I have so much more to learn. I am cautious with the advice that I offer dealing with my Christianity. I worry that I do not have enough wisdom to speak what the Lord really wants.

The verse that I stated in the beginning confirms that I am correct in how I live. I do not assume that I have all of the knowledge, therefore I consider myself "wise". The other people in my life that share every comment they have concerning faith, are fools. They look to themselves and believe that they have the answers, and that they are always right. They are not open to hear what anyone else has to say on the matter, because they think that ONLY they are right. They are wrong, because those with a heart in the right place, gain wisdom from the Lord. So which one are you? The wise man who keeps his mouth shut? Or the foolish man who speaks his opinions?

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