Thursday, March 31, 2011

Where Do I Start?

I have been on "bed rest" for over a month now. I have missed school, basketball games, youth events, church, and so many other things. Now the doctor wants me to try something, but I don't know where to start. Do I go right back to school? Or do I go back to youth group? Despite what one out of my four doctors says, I don't feel ready. I know that I need to do something, but where should I go, when I still have trouble walking. I spend most of my time sleeping. I am beginning to overwhelm myself with thoughts and confusion.

The way I feel now, is how I picture a new Christian. Learning everything at once would be ridiculous. I was too young to remember when I became a Christian, but I see new Christians struggling to find a place to start, and no where to turn. The Bible seems impossible to read because of the length. Christians who have been around awhile need to step up, and welcome our brothers and sisters in Christ. It is not enough to just witness, we must follow through, and not let them stray. Bring that person to your place of worship, but do not let them go out on their own.

"Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good unto all people, especially those who belong to the family of believers" Galatians 6:10. It is our duty to help new fellow Christians stay on the path of life, that the Lord set. I am not expecting you, or I to bring every single person we witness to, to church, but I know that I will bring as many people as I can.

The best thing to do, is stay open so that other believers can come to you in times of trial. I try very hard to be ready to help anyone who crosses my path. Whether new believers, or "old" believers, if someone comes to you for help, or you see someone struggling, take their hand and help. This post seems rather mushy, but this subject is important. If you are the one sitting around trying to figure out where the start is fold your hands, close your eyes, and pray. The Lord will show you the start. He will guide you along your path, and pick you up when you fall. There are many ways to start, but the right way is through the Lord.

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