Saturday, March 12, 2011

Living With Regrets.

Many people walk around regretting past events, or broken relationships. It leaves you always living in the what if land. What if you hadn't said that to that person, what if you made more of an effort. You get pulled down by everything that you can't control anymore. When something bad happens to us, we need time to heal, and bring ourselves together to move on. You cannot dwell over what has already happened, you look toward the future, and what is in front of you right now. God is always working in your life. When you make a mistake, give it to God and He will use that in your life.

The one thing I truely understand is that God will always be there. Even though I only see rain now, eventually the storm will clear and I will find the rainbow. Sometimes you feel God telling you not to say that one thing you want to say, or do something not pleasing to Him, but you do it anyway. Typically when I follow what I want and not what God wants, I find myself backed up against a wall, but no matter how badly I have messed up God is there with an outstretched arm waiting for me.

I have this, lets call it a problem. In my heart I always feel the need to explain everything I feel. Sometimes when I pour my heart out, the person who is listening sees me in a new light, or they see something in my life that gives them hope in their lives. Then there are times like right now, where I explain what I am feeling, or let someone know the truth, they run. I know that I can be blunt and I sound angry and mean, but in my head, I just want them to see what I see. In that case, I am left hurt and angry with myself for speaking when I should have remained silent.

God is watching all of this happen in my life and most of it is part of His plan for my life. When I fall off the path He holds out His hand to help me back on. I use that analogy often because that is how I picture what He does for me when I make mistakes. I give it all to the Lord and He takes a bad situation in my life, and turns it into something good. Sometimes my mistakes become a testimony for those finding themselves in the same situation. Other times it is a reminder to me that God is always there no matter what.

So when you are stuck with a dark cloud over your head, search for the light and cling to it. Do not regret anything, because everything that has happened to you, led up to who you are today. They say that "whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger", and in a way they are true, with God you are made stronger even when you think that you are too weak. I do not regret what has happened to me, sometimes I wish maybe I listened to the Lord in the first place, but the fact of the matter is, I didn't. Let go of regrets, and give them to God. Look at your past and see where God has changed bad into good. God gave you life, so don't live regretting what you can't change.

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