Monday, March 14, 2011

When Does It Stop Lord?

After being in the hospital for a week, and having a second surgery, things were looking up. I went to the doctor last week, and things looked pretty good. I started physical therapy the other day, and it hurt but it went well. Today I praised God because I was able to climb out of the car all by myself, and climb onto my bed. I was very excited to see the first signs of progress. A good friend of mine came over tonight and things were going well. I was able to interact without sleeping and for all of today I really hadn't taken my heavy pain killers. I thought that my testimony found its happy ending..... but oh, how wrong I was.

The Lord must have more in store for me. Today I got my stitches out after them being in for two weeks. Everything looked kind of messy and bruised but for the most part alright. We also were watching a three month old baby for the day. God answered a pray for me there. I was able to hold her, and rock her. I felt like someone needed my help! It was an amazing feeling to have after all of this. I talked to an old friend today, and worked on yearbook. I felt that God was helping me get everything back on track.

Then when my sister got home from school she wanted to see my knee, and I figured that it was harmless with the new brace. When I pulled back the ace wrap, there was a lot of blood, and it was different colors and the hole was huge. I am repulsed by it still. My mom put a large bandaid over it, and when we went to change it, it was right over my other partially healed hole, and it pulled some glue off of the end of the large incision. Sometimes I feel like I just can't win. I am in a lot of pain right now and I want to curl up and cry. I have prayed, I have gone to doctors, but my body won't cooperate.

I found a verse that the Lord definitely led me to. "When you are in distress and all these things have happened to you, then in later days, you will return to the Lord your God and obey Him." Deuteronomy 4:30. If I am in a large amount of pain, and forget to turn to the Lord like we all have done, He doesn't leave, He waits for you to turn back to Him. It was a comfort to me as I received more bad news. Tomorrow is a new day and a new chance to fix my knee. I have to keep going because God will get me through this new patch in the storm.

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