Sunday, March 13, 2011

Listen To Me.

Lately I feel like no one is listening to me. I don't know if they haven't listened to me from the start or if this is just because I'm stuck in bed all the time. I told the doctor that something was wrong way before my emergency room visit, and he ignored me and made me wait, and now look at me. Then I told my sister not to date a boy that asked her out because he wasn't right for her, and she went along and told him they were dating, mom found out and my sister had to break his heart. If she had listened that poor boy would be fine right now. Any leadership position that I held before I had surgery, is now a joke. No one (I'm exaggerating) is listening and it's frustrating. I'm sure that at one point you have felt this way, ignored and disrespected.

When I was thinking about how upset I was over this, I realized that God tells me what I am supposed to do, all the time, and I don't always listen. Think about it in your life. You wanted to go to that certain place, but inside you knew something was wrong. You knew that your wants were not those of a follower of Christ. If you're like me, you end up in awful situations that could have been avoided if you had listened to God. When people don't listen to me, I get angry, and I don't want to give them another chance when they come to me for help. They ignore me once and I try to rid myself of them. When the anger subsides I realize that I'm wrong, usually.

We are very blessed that the Lord does not turn away from us when we ignore Him. He waits for you to turn around and reach out to Him for help. He has a plan for every single one of us already, but at times we try to take that into our own hands and do what we want. Everything that God is telling us is keeping us on our path. When we hurt, the Lord hurts. He is not there to make sure that you never get to do what you want. He is guiding you.

I know that I will continue to listen to myself and ignore His commands, but I hope that if I think about it, I will remember how it feels when I am ignored. You cant too. Next time you feel the Lord calling, do what He wants you to do. You may find that the outcome is one you actually enjoy. Our God is amazing! No matter how many people ignore you, the Lord is ALWAYS listening to you. If you take nothing else but that from this post, then you will be alright.

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