Saturday, April 2, 2011

Last Team Standing.

Although it is no longer march, March Madness is still going strong. Since I'm still not going back to school, I have been watching the NCAA Championship with my mom. I never liked boys basketball until now. I am a major UCONN fan, and ever since I was little, I have been a fan of the UCONN women. They have done so well for a long time now, but the boys, well not so much. I never really watched them because it's not as exciting to watch your team lose constantly. This year, however, things have changed. The men practiced hard, and fought their way to the top. They are now headed to the top two, and then (hopefully) they will be handed the championship trophy.

This got me thinking about my relationship with the Lord. Once you become a Christian and accept Jesus as your savior, you have to work at that relationship. That is only the first step to your Walk with the Lord. Because I accepted the Lord at such a young age, I have been able to work on my Walk for a little over ten years. Just like the UCONN men, I had my losing season every now and then, but I was able to get up and climb back to the top again. Think of it this way, every team that the boys played, is like each situation that we face. Then, you either win that "game" or you "lose" it and you get back up to meet the next situation.

We also have to practice our faith. The men's team has practice for hours everyday. They have a passion for playing basketball and I have a passion for growing closer to the Lord. My practice, however, is a little different than there's. Every single day, I practice by staying in prayer every minute of the day. Then I read the Bible, and check out my different devotionals. I listen to worship music so that my head is full of the Word. Finally, my favorite is being in fellowship with other Christians. I am not saying that it is easy to practice your faith, but if you want to get to the top you have to work at it.

My mom and I tied basketball and the Lord together last night, because during the game we held hands, and prayed that the men would win. I am happy to say that the Lord answered our prayers! I find praying to be the easiest way to practice my faith. I pray for silly things, serious things, and everyTHING in between. "So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness" Colossians 2:6-7. We have been given the strength to succeed, and we are already part of the winning team!

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