Wednesday, August 6, 2014

We Have Been Made

Lately I have had an opportunity to be around a lot of new parents. First off, let me admit that when I am around them I get rather jealous. It didn't bother me until we had a baby and I poured my heart and soul into her, just to have her taken away. Since that time, all I have wanted is to feel that bond with another baby. So when I sound a tad jealous talking about things like this, its because I am. God does not want us to be jealous, and I know that some day, in His time I will have children, but I am human.

Back on topic, these new parents are in heaven with their new little babies. I am mesmerized by each of their precious children because they are truly a gift from God. Working with the foster care system, I have seen so many babies and children that are rejected and forgotten. That is the case with so many children and its a cruel reality of this world. So when I see new parents that pour their entire heart, soul and mind into loving and caring for their child, I take notice.

The one phrase that I continue to hear them saying is, "I made this". The look of pride and wonder that they have when they say that statement is unreal. In fact, what they are saying is quite true, the beautiful, perfect, precious baby was created by his or her parents. These parents have a right to be proud because that child was created out of love. I hold their children and am in awe of the living, breathing, loving thing that is in my arms.

The most recent time that I heard that statement something struck me. Just at those parents created their children, God created us. He molded us and held us in His hands. When we bring children into this world, the world does not get any better. It's still the same, rotten, heartbreaking world, but we make it good by bringing children into it. We make it good by keeping the love of Christ alive through ourselves and our children (or future children).

In the same thought, God originally created us to be perfect, in His image and we messed that up. So since then, He has brought us into this world that's full of trials and tribulations. However, He didn't bring us here to punish us, He bought us here to live in His image and spread His love throughout the world. We are children of the One true King. He is our father and I hope that one day we can get that message to everyone.

I sit here and image God sitting on His heavenly throne, proud of us (hopefully as we work through our sinful nature), and says "I made this". The truth is, no matter how old we get, no matter what we believe or don't believe, the truth is that we have been created by the ultimate Creator of all things. We tend to get caught up in thanking God for nature and for the material things that we have, but sometimes we forget to thank Him for creating us, and for creating the ones that we love in our lives.

No matter what is going on in your life, no matter what is going on in my life, that one fact remains true. God crafted us in His hand, He created us and He has a path for us. No one can change that fact, they can try to fight it, but we have been made. The next time you look in the mirror and are thinking how ugly you are, think about it through God's eyes, just like the eyes of new parents, you are His child, just like your children (or future children) are your children. We are beautiful in His eyes because He is our creator.

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