Monday, August 11, 2014

You Are Not Alone

I thought that I knew what I was going to write about today, but that all changed after tonight. There are a lot of people who would like to say that we are not connected to celebrities and that what they do shouldn't effect us, but you have to admit that they have an influence in our lives. They entertain us, and in a way we look up to, and respect their role in our lives. We do not worship them, or put them higher than God, but they are here in this world just as we are.

Tonight, while in the middle of a church meeting, I received a text (yes I know I shouldn't have checked but I admit I'm a sinner), and that text read that actor Robin Williams died at the young age of 63. Luckily I didn't have to feel silly for being upset because others in the room were just as upset. They graciously paused our meeting to pray over his family. The way I see it, is that we may not have known him personally, but we all have someone that we can relate this situation too. We know the hurt that the family is facing.

It has been stated that Robin Williams took his own life, after struggling with depression. One of the woman at the meeting (an amazing God loving, God fearing woman) said (don't quote me on this) that it is tragic for someone to get to a point in their life, where they would feel the need to take their own life. It really got me thinking about tough times in life, and thinking about others who have taken their own lives, or tried to.

I recently shared with my parents that there were points in my life where all I wanted to do was be with Jesus. During some of the hardest times in my life, I read my Bible for comfort, and I specially was reading about heaven (by chance), and it all seemed so simple to me. If I wanted all the pain to stop, I had to be with Jesus. This is not exactly what happened to Robin Williams, but all the same, looking back on it, I guess I considered it as an option.

The difference between myself and someone like Robin Williams is that when it came down to it, I had the knowledge that God has me here for a reason and that I was going through that pain for a purpose. I also had the satisfaction in knowing that someday my God will take me home and there will be no more pain. I believe that, that situation gave me a better understanding of why I'm here and why each of us are here. I just pray that somehow Robin Williams knew Jesus. I pray that he is at peace and that all of his pain is taken away.

I have known others in my life who have contemplated killing themselves. We need to make it an effort to share with everyone we meet, that God is good. We need to share the love of Christ but make sure that they know He has them here for a purpose. If you are one of those people who have wanted to end you life, then I beg you to stop. I want you to know that each one of us has a purpose and there is no one else who could fulfill that purpose because God put you here. God loves you and so do others around you.

Over the next few days, look around you, if someone seems to be alone, please don't let them be alone. If they don't know Jesus, then there is a void somewhere in their life that needs to be filled, so please help them fill it before any more lives are taken. God Bless, and God loves you.

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