Thursday, November 15, 2012

Judgement Free Zone?

In some way, shape, or form we all analyze each other. We make assumptions based on appearance, first impressions and stereotypes. You might say that you don't do that but honestly we all do it. It is part of our sinful nature, but those assumptions have consequences in your life. Even though we are Christians we do not always act like Christians. We fall into the worldly dramas and we lose out on relationships that God may have wanted us to have. Each time that we condemn or judge another person we are giving them a reason to stray from the church or their path/potential path with the Lord. If non believers see us acting like other non believers then what would make them want to accept Jesus into their hearts?

In my communication class we have been learning about how to make relationships work and how we view others. We have looked at the stereotypes that people put us in and then discussed how it made us feel when the assumptions were made. You may know the old saying, "Don't judge a book by its cover", and the same is true for people. It seems like that phrase has been drilled into our heads for all of our lives. If that is so true, how come we don't listen? Why is it so hard for us to look past the surface, or get over our judgments? For me, it is sometimes a fear of rejection. I don't take chances because I fear that when someone gets to know me they may not like me. My logic is that if I put them into stereotypical groups I never have to go out of my way to get to know them.

I am not alone in my fears, but there is another factor that plays into this. Some of us just don't care; Some people don't care what their judgement s do to others. You may think that if you don't care you can move on and forget about those people, but that's not always the case. It may sound extreme but each person that we judge and choose to ignore is another person that we are not sharing the love of Jesus Christ with. I still get caught up in meeting people and not liking them from the start. I never give those people a second chance and as I was reminded today, behind every angry person, or hurting person or happy person, there is a story and there is something in their life that makes them who they are.

I fell into the trap of judging and condemning  but today the Lord has reminded me how I am to live. One of my peers is a very angry person. I do not like anger being showed that vividly it scares me and I tend to look the other way. That person that I was shunning revealed something from the heart today and it made me realize that I was getting a lesson from God.

It is time for me to read scripture and actually take in what the Lord is saying to us.
"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your bother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye" Matthew 7:3

I had heard that verse time and time again but today it has been given meaning to me. I challenge you to look at your life before you pass judgement on someone else. Pay attention to what you are portraying to non believers. We are supposed to show the love of Christ and that means giving each person another chance. I had a nudge (more like a shove) into the right direction today. I am grateful for the reminder because I do have the love of God in my heart and its time I start acting like it.

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