Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thank You Lord For Life

We live in a world that is full of devistation. Turn on the news, any given day at any time and you will see the horror that occurs right here in our back yards. We have soldiers at war fighting for our safety and we have so many that die in the line of duty. There are people killing other people all around us and violence doesn't surprise us anymore. Hospitals are full of people that are dying from diseases like cancer and organ failure. It is depressing but sadly it is the truth. You can choose to look at life that way and live in sorrow or you can think about the flip side of all of this.

Yesterday my mom and I went to go see our friends who just brought their first child into this world. Before we went up to see her we had to figure out where the room was. We went to the front desk and as the gentleman was searching for the room number I was thinking about all the terrible things that had happened that day. Then the woman at the desk said, oh! another baby was just born. I looked at her puzzled and she told us that every time a baby is born they turn off the radio and play a lulleby. I was stunned for a second because right at that very moment a new life was brought into that world. I was standing in the same building that God was bringing a life into.

When we finally got to see our friends new baby I was in awe of God's creations. I held that baby in my arms and thanked the Lord for a beautiful, wonderful life. I held a life in my arms that had not seen any destruction or experienced any death. It was kind of like holding an angel for me. It sounds cliche but its the truth. I have been focused this week on what I am thankful for. Today I was all ready to write about my friends and how grateful I am to have them in my life. Which is true but something else has been laid on my heart today.

I am sitting her and thanking God for life. In a world where we see death and sorrow I have been given a new perspective. God brings us life. I am thankful for my life and for the lives of people that are around me every day. I am incredibly thankful for all of the lives that God creates each and every day. So it is my challenge for you today to figure out what it is about life that you are thankful for. Live life the way God intended us to and remember that even in a world of sorrow it is okay to be happy.

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