Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Choice

Today for all of those over 18, we get to make a choice, and a choice that counts. Do not let anyone tell you that your thoughts, ideas and opinions mean nothing because someone else makes the decision. No one said that it would be easy to choose one side or the other, but every single vote counts. I have waited for so long to cast my official vote and make a difference some how in this life. Life is a series of choices that are left up to us. Each choice that we make has a consequence, whether that be good or bad.

Today of course is election day, my very first presidential election. When I went to the poles I was thrilled about being old enough to cast my choice. However, in every choice we make there are things that get in our way sometimes. For instance, when I got to the poles, not one, not two, but three people asked me if I was old enough to be voting. I almost bit the head off of the third lady as I shoved my license in her face (obviously that was not a Godly thing to do but I did it). I was just ready to make a choice that no one could make for me or make me chose a certain way. I did it, and it felt amazing to cast my vote.

I cannot ignore the other choice people have on this very important day. Some people choose not to vote, they choose to steer clear of all political business. All I have to say to those people is what do you gain from that? By not voting you are letting someone else make a choice for you, and you may or may not like the outcome. I cannot stress enough to my fellow believers that this country needs a change. This country needs to be brought back to its roots, and needs to be reminded that God is here. To you it may seem like one vote isn't going to change anything, but it does. That means there is one less person that will stand up for a change in this country.

If you think about it, God has given man choices since the very beginning. Eve had a choice, and Adam had a choice, and as we can see the repercussions of that choice changed the path that man would follow.  Those of us who have made the choice to follow a life with Christ as the center are blessed. Though we have choices we cannot make the right choice if we are just choosing based upon what we want and not what is right or Godly.

"By myself I can do nothing; As I hear, I judge, and my judgment is just, because I seek not my own will but the will of him who sent me" John 5:30

Our choices need to be made with God and based upon what God has called us to do. Keep that in mind today while you consider your options. God knows that right way, we just need to let Him show it to us.

I am challenging you, if you are old enough, go out and be heard. If you think that just one person can't make a difference than how about if we all pitch in and make a difference. I do not have all of the answers and I cannot force you to do something you don't want to do. There is not much time left, but with the time that is left pray about it and see where God leads you. I can't make this choice for you, and the choice is a hard one, but make a choice. God has graciously given us the freedom to choose, so what are you going to choose? Good luck and keep praying.

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