Thursday, November 1, 2012

Holding Your Tongue

We all have these days where every single person in our lives seem to be annoying us in some way. Whether they are close to us, or someone just passing us by there is something that bothers us. Well I have had that type of day today. The day has dragged on and my annoyance has built up and built up. I was upset from the moment I woke up, so as you can imagine my day was less than enjoyable. I tried to think positively but I just couldn't muster it up today.

I felt so critical of others today, but every little thing that they did made my internal fight get harder and harder. I was ready to crack and finally give someone a piece of my mind. By the time I got to my fourth class, I had all of these speaches prepared to give those around me that have bothered me all day. Lately I have felt invisible, like no one was listening to me or going out of their way to talk to me. It is a lonely feeling and I just keep bottling everything up. People have been rude, inconsiderate, and have demeaned what I have to say.

I really wanted to yell today. I wanted for someone to finally listen to what I have to say. I wanted to get out everything that I have been holding in. None of the speeches that I prepared were nice. They were all full of anger and make me sound like a terrible person. So then I wondered, am I terrible for just thinking all of those disrespectful comments? I still really cannot answer that, instead I keep going. I keep pushing through and accepting that I am invisible to my friends, family and classmates. The times that I have tried to speak out, even just today, I get brushed off, like what I have to say is not worth listening to.

If you are like me and feel this way I want to let you in on the piece that is key to feeling better. That piece is our Lord, Jesus Christ. He is ALWAYS listening to what we have to say. He does think that everything we have to say is important. He knows what we are feeling and He's feels that pain that we feel. The other part of this that we must remember is that no matter how much we want to speak out at someone who has made us feel this way or who has added to the build up inside of us. However we have been given instructions on this in scripture.

"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building other up according to their needs, that may benefit those who listen." Ephesians 4: 29

I challenge you to go out of your way this coming week, to make someone feel like they are loved and that you care about what they have to say. Do not push it off to someone else because the reason some of us feel so invisible is because you assume that someone else will reach out to us, so you don't have to. I am as well going to be open to being an outlet for someone else. It is so hard to feel like what you have to say does not matter to others, but all it takes is someone to listen and show that they care. So be that person, show them the love of Christ and lend your ear.

Finally, please remember that no matter how hard it gets we must hold our tongues. We are a representation of God's love so we have to be willing to show that love no matter what. It's going to take prayer and the support of each other but we can all do it because we are called to do so!

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