Wednesday, October 31, 2012

My Refuge

The storm came and went faster than it was supposed to but the damage that it left behind is unbelievable. I should start by saying that God has blessed me over and over again. We did not have any major damage and we only lost power one time but then it returned. However a majority of those that we in Sandy's path have lost power or have had some sort of damage. Some have said that I am lucky and I thought about that for a moment, but I am not lucky, I am just blessed.

Yesterday we sat in front of the television to see what destruction has occurred around our state. Streets are flooded, roads are blocked with fallen power lines, schools are closed, homes were lost and lives were lost.  As I watched I kept looking around my house and at my baby sisters. The I turned to the Lord and thanked Him for protecting them. While I was reading articles about the storm online I came across a story that has haunted me since reading it.

There were multiple reported fires throughout the state, but one house fire caught my attention. The first house caught on fire and proceeded to set the house next to it on fire. I do not know if the families were inside of them, or if they evacuated earlier. The article showed a picture of the two houses ablaze and as you look around those houses all you see is water. The street was completely flooded. Those houses burnt to the ground because the firemen couldn't get to the house because of the water. They tried but there was no way to get them through that water and they couldn't put the fire out.

I obsessed over that story for the entire day and I wasn't sure why it bothered me so much. Then today as I was sitting in class I realized that I am afraid. I have had that dream in the past that there was a fire but no one could get to it to put it out. That nightmare became someone else's  reality. I also realized that it parallels a little bit of what I fear in my life with Christ. I have feared that as I am watching my life fall apart, just like the fire, God couldn't get to me and He couldn't save me. Those homes were like me, and the firemen were like God. They wanted to help but they couldn't.

My nightmare that God won't be able to save me from the fire is just that, a nightmare. It is not the truth and it is never going to come true because I have declared that the Lord is my refuge. He is my strength and He has once again protected me. We have been promised that if we declare that the Lord is our refuge,

"No harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways!" Psalm 91: 10-11

Right now for some people it may seem that God let harm come to you, or that His angels did not guard you. However, if you are reading this then He did protect you because you are living. He kept you safe from harm because you made Him your refuge. If you have not made that declaration then take this as an opportunity to do so now. If you already have but are weary as I was, reaffirm that He truly is your refuge. I challenge you to look at your life and realize how many times the Lord has kept you safe and thank Him.

Please continue to pray for all of those that have been affected by this hurricane. Pray for the parents who are trying to entertain their children with no electricity because schools are closed. Pray for each other and help in any way that you can!

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