Friday, October 12, 2012

Keep Me Accountable

When my roommate and I signed up for classes last year, we ended up in the same psychology class. It has worked out wonderfully because we do homework together and we study together and help each other along the way. This class is a higher level class, and it is our first higher level class in the college setting.We are about halfway done with the semester which means that its midterm time. Up until now we haven't had a lot of work, but now we are realizing why it is an upper level course. Our midterm is a take home, you would think that that's a great help, but its not. It is proving to be one of the most difficult midterms that I have taken so far.

Our midterm has seven sections to it. We sat down at four pm yesterday and worked for five hours on the packet. We only got four sections done. By about the third hour I was ready to quit. I figured that since it was not due today I would work on it later. However, my roommate wouldn't let me stop, no matter how hard I begged. We were stuggling with some of the questions and we were running out of resources to help us. I agreed to finish at least all of the questions and save the essays for another day, but during the fourth hour when we still couldn't find the answers to some of the questions, I wanted to give up and put my stuff away. Again my roommate wouldn't let me. She was holding me accountable.

While I was thinking back on yesterday, I realized that, that situation could parallel the Christian walk with Christ. I know that for me, when I face a challenge I automatically lift my prayers up to the Lord ready for an answer. However, as time passes, and I have not gotten that answer I get a little frustrated. It always seems that things get harder as time passes on. There are times when it would be so easy to give it up, and quit trusting that God is going to help you through whatever it is that you're going through. God is not expecting us to solve challenges alone. He is always there for us but we cannot just quit on Him, and we must, as Christian brothers and sisters, help each other not quit.

"Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ" Galatians 6:1-2

For me, having an accountability partner keeps me pushing forward not matter what challenge is in front of me. I challenge you to think about your accountability partner, and thank them for being a support to you. If you do not have an accountability partner consider looking for one. Remember accountability partners help each other, so if they are having trouble you are to be their support as well. We are not perfect, and when we stumble it's nice to have someone there to help you back up!

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