Thursday, October 18, 2012


I am going to share with you acronym that I just learned from my communication lecture. I have to preface it by telling you that I did not create this but I feel that its worth sharing because it relates to my life right now. The acronym is the word SCREAM, it shows us how best to approach something or someone when we are angry. S- Self, C- Context, R- Receiver, E- Effect, A- Aftermath, M- Messages.

As I was writing down the information from the slide, I was distracted by my thoughts. I felt like I was in Sunday School again being taught about the verse:

"My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry because human anger does not produce the ritiousness that God desires" James 1:19-20

Let me remind you that I am at a secular school, yet this lesson paralleled what I have been taught in my Christian life and in my walk with Christ. When class ended and I was walking back to my room it struck me that it wasn't just by chance that I heard that message right now. Of course it was a lesson from the Lord, and another answer to one of my prayers. I have been getting so angry at everyone around me for every little thing that they do or say because I won't address who or what I am really angry at.

Let me explain how I see the parallel between the acronym and our Christian walk. The S stands for self, which for me means that I need to asses how important the matter at hand is to me, and I need to pray about it. The C stands for context. We are called to go to our brothers and sisters in Christ and talk about the conflict together. So before I speak my mind in a place where there are many people, I need to follow the guidelines that have been set up for us in Scripture. The R stands for Receiver. It means that before we confront someone or get angry with someone, we need to pray about whether or not this is even the root of your anger. Getting angry with the wrong person is not going to help, its going to cause more strife in your life.

The last three letter deal more with the outcome of our anger. The Lord does not say that we are not allowed to be angry, but He does not want us acting on that anger. Which is easier said than done, but hopefully the last part of this acronym will help you look at the bigger picture. The E stands for effect. What do you want to happen after you act on anger or say something out of anger? Think about what you would fufill by acting on anger. If that doesn't help then you can look at the next letter. The A stands for Aftermath. If you go as far as going off on someone in anger what do you think you are gaining? At this point you would have already gone against what the Lord commands of us. For me, when I have to deal with the aftermath I am overwhelmed with guilt and embarrassment that I didn't control my anger and act the way that the Lord wanted me to. The final letter, M stands for message. Once we have acted on anger and cool down what do those people that saw us so angry, think about us. This is so important to remember as a Christian because what we do reflects the work of the Lord to non believers. Are we sending them the love of Christ? or the wrath of us?

I am challenging you to somewhat follow this acronym in your thought process before you choose to speak out of anger. It is so easy to anger, but maybe this word is something for you to remember. Rather than act out on your anger, go to the Lord in prayer and ask for the best way to handle the situation. I guarantee you that He is listening to your prayers. He is very creative when giving the answers, so make sure you are listening for that answer when it comes. 

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