Friday, October 19, 2012

Priority Check

Lately I have noticed that people are having trouble getting their priorities in order. At some point in our lives we are all guilty of it. For some this can become very harmful to their walk with the Lord. I watch as kids and adults slowly slip away from their devotion time and their overall commitment to live a Christian life. We try to justify why we haven't been completely faithful in studying the word or fellowshipping with other believers, but there is no real justification.

For the past two weeks I have not spent as much time in scripture as I need to. My excuse was that I had to study for my midterms, which was the truth, however that didn't mean that I couldn't sit down and do my devotion. There are always people telling me that I need to have the college experience and enjoy it before its gone. It would be so easy for me to agree with them and go out and "live the life" of a college student, but that's not who I am. Anyone that knows me, knows that I am very good at prioritizing and scheduling, but if I didn't do all of that I'm pretty sure my life would fall apart. I am not saying that I always have my priorities in check because I'm human and I make many mistakes.

I also am a person that worries about everything. I worry about making the right priorities, and follow God's will as much as I can. I worry that if I go out and have fun I will regret it the next day when I have to wake up early and oversleep or when I have to study more since I took a break. In the work place it is the same way. Everyone is worried about getting everything done and doing it right all of the time. This is not how all adults feel but I know many who struggle with prioritizing. As all of these thoughts have been going through my head I was reading in scripture and I found a verse that says pretty much exactly what I am trying to say.

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6: 33-34

Pay attention to the order of what is being said. The third word is First, not second or third, or after you complete what you want to complete. It says seek first His kingdom. Then following that we are comforted about the worries we have for each new day. It is so important that you and I read in scripture and turn our worries to the Lord.

I challenge you to sit down and write out how you think you prioritize things. What is most important to you and when should that task get done? Where does the Lord fall on your list of priorities. Be honest because no one else is seeing this but you, however God knows your priorities already so this is more of a visual for yourself. I am going to do that as well because we all need a priority check every now and then. God bless and I hope this message helps you.

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