Thursday, October 11, 2012

Under the Microscope

Today in my interpersonal communication course we completed an ethnography. Which is basically the study of behavior and interactions between a group of people. Our class was broken up into small groups and sent off around campus to choose a group and study them. We had to write as much detail as we could about the people that we studied. Then we had to compare notes with our group members and analyze what we saw. Later my group members and I were joking about not wanting to sit in groups because now we will wonder if anyone is watching/ analyzing us. While thinking about that I realized that it happens to us every single day. We analyze each other and we put each other into the categories based upon behaviors.  

The same is true for Christians living in this secular world.  At some level we all want to fit in. A lot of times in  order to fit in we have to behave in a certain way, dress a certain way, and talk a certain way. In most work places and schools we are surrounded by nonbelievers. They act in a secular way, and to impress others in hopes that they will accept us, we act in the same secular way. However, as Christians we are to be set apart from the rest. We are going to stand out, and sometimes we may not fit in with the group that we want to be in. This does not just apply to kids and teens, but adults as well.

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."
 Romans 12:2

The Bible does not say conform when you feel it necessary, or when you want to be in the popular crowd. We are to be different because we do know the difference between right and wrong. We are told over and over what is good and acceptable. We don't get to have a day off because being a Christian is not a role that we play on stage. We can't just take off a costume when the shows over. This is our life and this is what we are called to do.

The way that I had to study a group of people is kind of like how non believers or young believers watch us. Non believers are hoping that we mess up so that they can say we are just like them, giving them an excuse to leave their lives as is instead of changing how they live and giving their lives to Christ. Young believers are looking to us to show them what to do and how to at now that they too have to live set apart.  God doesn't expect us to be perfect, and He knows that we are going to slip sometimes. We just have to remember that we are leaders, because like it or not we are under a microscope (no pressure).

I am challenging you to think about the way you are acting in public or with your friends. Are you setting a good example? or are you trying to fit in? It is not an easy task, but it is one that we have to do together. We have to hold each other accountable and we have to encourage each other. We know that we are to be leaders that are set apart. Can you do it?

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