Thursday, October 4, 2012

One Nation Under God?

You may or may not know this, but I am big into politics. I enjoy learning about the system and how it works (or how it's supposed to work), and watching politics in action. I am strongly believe that everyone who is of age should register to vote, and take part in this democratic process. However, that is not my point for today so you can relax! The other reason that I am involved in politics is because I am an advocate for the Arthritis Foundation and it is my job as an advocate to speak to politicians and law makers to get them involved in passing Bills for people with disabilities like Arthritis.

Last night was a huge Presidential debate between President Obama and Governor Romney. I wasn't going to watch it but I realized that I have to choose one of them to be a leader of this country. I knew that it was going to make me upset, and of course I turned it off after about 45 minutes because I was angry. I sat there and watched them bicker with fake little smiles on their faces. Then I logged onto Facebook and watched as many of my friends and classmates posted status after status about the debate. I eventually had to get off of Facebook because when it comes to politics I am very emotional.

While sitting in bed I kept replaying what was said during the debate. They covered oil, green energy, healthcare, the economy, jobs and a variety of other topics. I still have one question though, where does God fit in to all of this? They argued about so many things, but not once did anyone show any concern about the role that God plays in this. Wasn't this country built on a foundation of faith? I am very disappointed that our leaders have lost sight of the most important thing we need to be a successful country.

"Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people He chose for His inheritance" Psalm 33:12.  

I know that many disagree with me, but I am very passionate about God being the center of this country. I challenge you to get on your knees and pray for this country. Pray for this upcoming election, and pray for local politicians. Pray with someone else, and pray for guidance. I want to be doing more to share the importance of the Lord in life decisions like these. I am praying for God's will to be done, and for Him to give me direction. Above all, don't lose hope because we know that all things are possible with God.

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