Friday, November 23, 2012

Thank You Lord for Giving Me a Teacher

Today was crazy, hectic, troublesome and refreshing. Today is the day that my mom and I wait 364 days for. We save for the entire month of November and we wait to buy Christmas presents until this day. We held Thanksgiving at our house this year for the family, so we were exhausted by the time all of our family left our house. We knew that we needed to go to bed early because we were going to be waking up at three in the morning. Once midnight rolled around I finally got into bed, but I waited to long to go to bed. I woke up to a phone call from my mom at five telling me that we overslept.

If you do not know much about Black Friday let me tell you that timing is everything. We create a schedule so that when we arrive at each store they will have just restocked their shelves. The later you arrive the more stuff is already gone. People begin waiting in lines at midnight and police line up at the same time in preparation of fights. People get very heated while they wait in line, its much like a kindergarten class fighting each other to get to the head of the line. The employees of the stores have to fight through the crowds so that they can clock in before the rush of people come in. My mom and I opt out of going when there is a rush of people.

It sounds silly but waking up late is really stressful on a day like today. When we arrived at the stores we were, for the most part, the only ones there. It was nice and the few employees that were still working their twelve hour shifts were so kind. The shoppers were also very kind in the first two stores that we went to. The trouble began around 11am, I have no idea why the problems started then but it was interesting. I got to the point where I was overly tired and on my last nerve with other shoppers. The older women felt that it was their right to cut in front of us, grab an item that we were reaching for and walking away, and bumping into us and then glaring at us.

I was pushed over my limits when my mom and I sat in the car with our blinker on for five entire minutes waiting for the only handicapped spot left in the parking lot. All of a sudden this elderly woman backed her car up almost hitting our car and as the car pulled out of the spot that we were waiting on, the elderly woman pulled in and then looked at us and waved us away. Once I am tired and frustrated I tend to go overboard with everything. I told my mom that I was ready to yell at that woman because chances are I have way more medical problems than she does (which is true) and we deserve respect. My mom quickly calmed me down telling me that we are to have patience with people and that speaking out in anger is not how God wants us to live.

I have to remember that everything that comes out of my mouth will affect the person listening in some way. We are called, in Ephesians 4:29, to be patient and watch what we say.
"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen" - Ephesians 4:29

No matter how tired we get or how frustrating people can be we are Christ followers and the words that we speak are supposed to be glorifying to Him. We all face situations, no matter how old we are, where we need someone to remind us of that fact. For me it was my mom, who is also my teacher and has been my whole life. For you it might be a sibling, or a spouse, it doesn't really matter which Christian it is that reminds you as long as you have someone. Before you open your mouth in anger bounce your thoughts off of another believer and be open to hearing what they have to say. Be safe and have patience. 

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