Monday, February 7, 2011

I Am Blessed.

Every single day, no matter what has happened, or how bad the day has been the Lord finds a way to remind me just how blessed I am. I face dissapointments just like everyone else, but it's how you handle these dissapointments that makes you as strong as you want to be. I face every situation holding God's hand. He has a plan and if I fauter He gives me the chance to come back. That in itself is a blessing. Knowing that if I mess up, He will always forgive me and take me back. I find that I am facing a door, and wondering whether or not I should go through it, but then it closes, and I find that yet another door opens holding more blessings for me than I could ever imagine. Today when I woke up I was in so much pain. I was frustrated, because I wanted to get out of bed, but every breath that I breathed left me in agony. I fought back the tears, and turned to God. I knew that I was not getting up on my own. I finally got out of bed and my sisters came to my rescue. They helped me get ready for school, and walked me down the stairs. It was God showing me the way, and the answer to my prayers. I still was weak within myself, because I was so exhausted.

As a teenager obsessed with facebook, I decided to update my status before I got to school, so that maybe I would get the support of my other friends with arthritis and we could vent together at the pain. I got to school, and there were no comments. Then about an hour later my phone vibrated to tell me that someone had commented. They did not have arthritis, but they had me in their prayers. This women, is not a women that I am close to, or one that I have the opportunity to see, but she is my sister in Christ and she was ready to remind of God's wondrous works. It was uplifting to see that. The Lord could have sent me my friends that are in similar situations, but instead, all throughout the day He sent me His amazing people. With their help, I had a little army of prayer going. The Lord heard all of these prayers, and I was granted rest from this pain. It is not gone but I was able to relax. I am blessed to have every single one of these people in my life. People that have the same love for the Lord that I do, and continue to build me up in faith. The Lord puts people in our lives for a reason, and I am grateful forever for the ones that He put in mine.

I am blessed. I know it, and I want you all to know that with the Lord we are all blessed.

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