Saturday, February 19, 2011

With Many Prayers.

Yesterday was my first surgery that I have ever had. It was kind of a scary thing. Going into it however, so many of my friends sent their prayers my way. I am truly blessed to have so many of God's people keeping their prayers with me. Everything went well, and I am now sitting on my couch, fighting off sleep. My grandparents came to see me last night, but I don't really remember it. I was still on the medicine and slept through almost the whole day. This morning I begged my mom to let me go to Upward, so she did. Everyone there was so welcoming and I loved just being in the house of the Lord for a few hours. When my dad came at ten thirty, I was ready to go home. My leg is beginning to hurt, but I continue to pray that the Lord take care of me and let me have a fast recovery. I know that because of His amazing ways, and all of the people that prayed for me I will be fine. I made it through the actual ordeal, and now I will make it through the rest of my recovery.

For as long as I am able to remember, we have always prayed over those who needed it, and they have been healed. This week, it was my turn. The Lord's people put their hands over me and prayed for me. I knew that I would be safe, and that the Lord would keep His angels over me. I went into the surgery, not nervous, but in prayer. This post today is my thank you for all of those who promised me their prayers. I am blessed, to have all of you in my life. I am blessed by the Lord to be surrounded by His people when not everyone gets that opportunity!

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