Sunday, February 20, 2011

I Will Be Your Rock.

Although it seems that we are facing a mountain ourselves, someone else's mountain might be bigger. It took me a while to understand that fact, but now I know that whatever I am going through, will be taken care of by the Lord, because He and I have such a strong relationship. There are others in my life that do not have that strong relationship. I am making a promise to be their rock. They need their "acountability partner" and I am here to fill that place.

I am blessed to understand the strength of the Lord, and to be able to spread that. I know that I am strong and I know that I can help someone else. Right now I am laying on the couch because I had surgery as many of you know, but spriritually, through the prayer of others, and my own prayer, I feel strong. I am blessed with the peace that I am going to make it through this small mountain and that the pain will not take over me.

Today was a rough day for many of my friends. I want to get rid of everyone that has hurt my friends, but I know that, that is not my place. However, I know also that if I bring it to the Lord for them, every person shall pass through judgment. Although it does not seem fair now, my friends who are righteous will be rewarded, and those who do evil against them, will be punished. Right now in the middle of it all, my friends cannot find the same peace that I have found with the Lord.

Isaiah 57:18  "I have seen his ways, but I will heal him; I will guide him and restore comfort to him". For all of my friends, and anyone else who feels that they are weak, remember who created you, and all those around you that love you. Right now I am strong, and I am here to be leaned on (not physically of course). I will not turn anyone away, because when I am feeling alone and lost, I hope that God will send one of His people to me, so that I may heal. I love the amazing life that I have been given. Everything that has happened to me, and is happening, makes me stronger, and brings me closer to the Lord.

If you are in need of a rock, and cannot get to the Lord alone, I will be here. Many people helped me keep on my path with the Lord, and I return the favor now to all of you. The Lord is perfect, and He has already saved us, we just need to remember that even in our toughest times.

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