Thursday, February 3, 2011


I have this homework that I have been staring at for hours. I don't really want to do it. I feel like bringing it to my teacher and showing her the thousand other things that I have been doing all day. I just wanted to go home and relax, but I knew that I had to work. For a while I just sat here staring at my closed book. Then I opened it, then I went on Cliff Notes and SparkNotes, trying to make some sense out of what I needed to have read for tomorrows class. I am so exhausted. I went to church tonight and we played basketball. Before that I went shopping for the concession stand, and before that I was at school, all day then I stayed after to get more yearbook work done. I feel like I am overwhelmed with things to do, and I just want to sit down and do a Bible study. I feel that I am pulling away from God because I'm so tired and busy all the time. I am procrastinating everything, even my blog, and my Bible study. I am trying to make time to sleep, when I should be making time fore God.

Right now I am left with the feeling that I am being fake. I am not giving everything my 100% because I can't muster enough strength to do it on my own. I am involved in too many things. I am running all over and it is making me sicker, and tired. I need to take a break, but I don't have time too. I also feel that I am not giving God my 100%. I am not focusing my life on him like I need to. I am shutting down slowly because I cannot keep up with everything that I need to get done.

I read a verse that came from the message Bible, that explained how I know that God is ready to help me when I feel overwhelmed with life. "May God, who puts all things together, who makes all things whole... Who led Jesus, our Great Shepard, up and alive from the dead, Now put you together, provide you with everything you need to please Him. By means of the sacrifice of Jesus, the Messiah. All glory to Jesus forever and always" Hebrews 13:20-21. I am not usually a fan of the message bible, but this seemed to fit perfectly to how I was feeling about everything that is going on. Maybe it will do the same for you. The Lord works in mysterious and wonderful ways. I have said it before and I will continue to say it because the Lord continues to amaze me!

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