Tuesday, January 25, 2011

On My Knees.

I spent a lot of time in prayer today. I guess I would have to call it a pretty bad day. I tried to think about it all in a possitive way, but everytime I was able to accept one situation another would arise. I know that I will not be given more than I can handle but it's still just as difficult. Many emotions went through me today. I woke up anxious about my exams, but instead of going strait to the Lord I just went back to studying, figuring that would help my anxiety. It didn't work out to well. I went into my final still anxious and stressed out. Then there were more problems with yearbook today. Then there is my knee which acts up greatly when the weather is bad, so of course it had to snow today. I saw that some of my old friends were moving on with their lives and it hurt a little to know that I was never going to get them back. I got as far as speaking angerly to God, when I realized that it was time to get on my knees and pray. In my prayer I was reminded that I have so many people that love me and that are willing to help. It's just difficult to ask for help when you are already falling apart.

These are the time that I pray to God and ask Him where He is in all of this, and why I can't have any relief. The thing is, He did send me relief and I never realized it. He is always listening to us, even when we feel like we are all alone. We also beg for immediate relief, but we cannot rush God's plan and we have to follow the Lord's timing. He is always ready to pull us off the ground when we feel like we just want to give up. He will never let us fall without catching us. I know that this is what I should be feeling right now, but I just want to melt away and sleep forever so that I don't have to deal with any of this. Tomorrow when  I wake up I will still face these problems. The difference is that I will never have to face my problems alone.

I have gone into the word trying to find answers to my prayers, and I came across Psalm 32:7 "You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance" I will not lie and say that I am feeling perfectly fine after reading just one passage, but it is a start, and the Lord spoke so I must listen. I will continue to pray, and you should do the same.


  1. Thank you for this. I really needed to be reminded. Keep up the great words of encouragement! I love you, Lizzie!
