Saturday, January 15, 2011

Challenge Complete!

Last Saturday night I embarked on a journey. That entailed me listening to only Christian music for the entire week. I am very proud to say that I succesfully compeleted that challenge. It wasn't as easy as I thought it was going to be though. I hit a few bumps along the way, and I faced some times where I had to either sing secular music, or while I was shopping they played secular music. I decided not to count that because the world will still be around me no matter how much I try to shut it out and only have God be in it. It is okay as Christians that we know what is going on in the world.

I found it difficult to totally change my music routine. I am kind of weird, I will admit, and I have playlists on my ipod, for sleeping, waking up, good moods, sad moods, happy moods and a few others. I am dissapointed to say that none of those had Christian music in them, but I did it. I went to itunes and even bought myself more Christian songs. This week I was happier than I have been in a long while. Listening to my Christian music was a daily reminder of the amazing work of the Lord. It was also a subtle reminder to pray all the time and to get into the word for devotion.

This week was very successful, and as I move into this next week, I hope to carry what I have learned over. Now that I am not under the challenge, I was to choose to listen to mostly Christian music, and spend more money on itunes buying worship songs, than secular music. The Lord has blessed me and I will give it back to him.

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